الجمعة، 22 يناير 2016

Purity. (Etiquette and defecating)

Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions.

Arts due when defecating.

1 awrah.

2 Hiking urine.

To talk :( to talk Ibn Abbas said: Over the Prophet  Bcypran he said: (they had to torment and torment at large, while one of them was not veiled from the urine, and the other was walking gossip). Then take the newspaper moist Vhgaha two halves, Vgrz in each grave one. They said: O Messenger of Allah has not done this? He said: (Perhaps relieves them unless Yibsa). (This modern Bukhari (216) and Muslim (292)

This guide has to be hiking from the urine.

3 Cleaning oneself after defecating or urinating.



· Forbidden things when defecating.

1 under the people or in the road or under a fruitful tree.

It deprives the urine under the wholesome avail himself of his people, or in the road or under a fruitful tree, if the urine deprived Valgait a fortiori.

:( Interview from Abu Huraira that the Messenger of God, peace be upon him said: Fear Allanin. They said: What Allaannan O Messenger of Allah? He said: who give up in the way

People or their own shadows) (Narrated by Muslim book Purity 1/226)

The illness:

Because it hurt believing men and women Muharram he says)
  وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ بِغَيْرِ مَا اكْتَسَبُوا فَقَدِ احْتَمَلُوا بُهْتَانًا وَإِثْمًا مُّبِينًا)( سورة الأحزاب (58)


That each facility that benefits people may not be defecating in it because it is harmful to the Muslims. (Explain the mayor book Purity of Sheikh Abdullah Al Amar.)



2 may not be receiving direction and is Astdbarha in architecture.

A) if it is in architecture:

It deprives reception direction or Astdbarha when defecating

To talk

:( do not receive our direction nor Tstdberoha Bgait nor Paul but Cherqoa or Grbwa) (Narrated by Bukhari book 1/68 and Muslim ablutions book Purity 1/224)

The illness:

Respect for direction in the reception and Alastdbar.

B) if it is in architecture:

The correct view of the matter:

In architecture may be playing poker without receiving

· Because the prohibition on reception Mahfouz where there is no breakdown

(Do not receive our direction nor Tstdberoha Bgait not Paul)

· And forbidding Alastdbar already an ad hoc:

To talk Ibn Umar said (Promoted days over the house of Hafsa and I saw the Prophet peace be upon him relieving himself the future of the Levant round Kaaba) (Narrated by Bukhari book ablution 1/69 and Muslim book Purity 1/225)

· And also Alastdbar the lesser of the reception.

Even better: not Astdberha if possible. (Mumti on Zaad book Purity of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Othaimeen 1/99100)


3 unambiguous above the toilet.

It deprives unambiguous above needs, and we must come out from time completed.

The illness:

1 in that it revealed no need for nakedness.

2 that Alhchoc toilets and shelter malicious demons and souls.

3 Some scientists said.

It is harmful in terms of health as being the cause of that fused liver until blood comes out of them. (Mumti on Zaad book Purity of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Othaimeen 1/99100)


4 enter the Koran in the toilet.

It prohibits entry of the Koran in the toilet because it is an insult to the Holy Quran. (A book to explain the mayor book Purity d. Abdullah Al Amar.)

Q / tighter entry of the things that the mention of God?

Do not enter the toilet in which he stated something God only need to steal cash Kkhov like paper in which the name of God.



5 revealed genitals during defecating.

Deprived, you must cover the genitalia during defecating

Ibn al-Qayyim said:

It was if he went in his need to zap even melt his companions, perhaps it was just a myelin. (Guidance for the son of values ​​1/171)

Q / Magm latency whole of his body when defecating?

It is best to talk to Raider Ben Division :( he said: Hence the Messenger of Allah bless him and even went into me, and he judged his need) (Narrated by Bukhari prayer 1/137, and Muslim book Purity 1/230) Book

Arrived blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

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