الأربعاء، 13 يناير 2016

Modern XXXIV: (change the evil is obligatory)
Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions.

the talk.
Khudri may Allah be pleased with him said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and says: {you saw evil let him change his hand, If he can not, then with could not Vbaklbh, and that is the weakest of faith}. (Narrated by Muslim book of faith explain Muslim 1 / 224)

The importance of talking.
This is a great issue to talk, because it is a text on the necessity to denounce evil
Nawawi said:
Great strength is its door and staff, and if many slag, the uncle of the good and bad and the punishment if you do not take the hand of the oppressor or doubt that God Iemanm pains. (Explain Muslim 1/226)

Modern vocabulary.
"You" in charge of any of the Muslims
"Evil" forbidden by Allah and His Messenger,
"Let him change" Vlazlh and change it to be dispelled and obedience.
"Hand" that change by a fraction amusement machines and libation and other

stops. (Adequate explanation Nawawi's Forty S266·


Reason to talk revenue.
Tariq bin Shihab and this interview with Abu Bakr said: first started his sermon the day of Eid before the prayer Marwan, a man stood up to him and said: Prayer before the sermon,
He said, has left Mahnalk, Abu Said said: This man has spent what it (ie: Led duty him from bearing down on Khalvi Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him), I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him say: "you saw evil let him change it with his hand could not Fblsanh Vbaklbh If he can not and that is the weakest of faith. "Narrated by Muslim. (rules and benefits of nuclear forty p. 285 286)

Issues in this talk.
1 / vision.
Saying peace be upon him {saw you)
Q / What is meant by the vision here?
Vision here to see visual got so evil you saw with his own eyes and let him change this restriction denial if the vision of the eye.
Q / Magm Mounkr if science did not see?
If Mounkr be aware of the advice is not to deny that the denial commented advice. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)



2) change.
Saying peace be upon him: {let him change his hand).
Q / What is required upon change by hand?
* If able to change it by hand.
Example: to be in your home and your spouse and your children from being under your state and you are the guardian
* If either in the state of someone else Here it is not interference ability. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)
Q / Is the change in Shara includes removal?
Name change includes the removal, including denial of the tongue is the removal, including the belief that this evil and forbidden. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

3) the denial of evil.
1 / denial related capacity.
Easy denial related ability?
Said Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh:
That should be related to the ability unanimous denial, and if related thinks it most likely utilization, but if he thinks it most likely does not benefit from it should not be denial.
Q / Do I have to denial if thinks it most likely use?
Gold group of scholars and Shaykh al-Islam and what it some companions Ka son of Omar Ibn Abbas work and God bless them a correct understanding of the issue
It must denial if thinks it most likely use, but if not thought it most likely should not use denial.
:( ‏فَذَكِّرْ إِن نَّفَعَتِ الذِّكْرَى)

 enjoined Instant If benefited anniversary.

Such as / what you find some women detectors in hospitals, the airport and some markets thinks it most likely non-use. (Waasitiyyah explain the doctrine of Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh.)

4) the rule of the denial of evil.
Q / What is the ruling denounce evil?
The denial of evil hand and tongue has two cases:
1 imposition of adequacy.
He says

(وَلْتَكُن مِّنكُمْ أُمَّةٌ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى الْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ)ال عمران :104
Ibn Kathir said:
This verse is meant to be a band of the nation resisting this regard. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir 2/75)

2 / duty.
Interview (you saw evil let him change his hand, the Fblsanh could not ....)
This indicates the general talk on the necessity of denouncing evil of every individual who is able to flag Mounkr or saw.
Judge Ibn al-Arabi said:
It may be imposed if one knew of the same jurisdiction to hear and exploitation controversy or knew about it from him. (The provisions of the Koran 1/292)
Q / Do people vary in responsibility to denounce evil?
Yes, people vary in responsibility to denounce evil
* A Muslim commoner him to do this duty according to his ability and capacity of ordering his family and his children Mayalm of matters of religion, which hears on the platforms and preaching.
* Scientists what they should be not on the others, and that they are the heirs of the prophets Tsahluwa If this shortage on the nation's income. (Rules and benefits of nuclear fortieth S289)

Q / What is the difference between advice and denial?
The denial narrower than the more general advice Our advice of denial as stated in the previous talk (Debt Advice) including involving denial. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)
1 / advice that the original password and be aggregated without limitation
As for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice origin where openness and if he heard Smaa investigator or insights, advice and what I saw or heard or in his own language.
2 / Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, if you got in front of you, or if it is in Geptk it returns to the public and is originally advice)
Because the Prophet peace be upon him under the necessity of denial (of the opinion of you ....) unless it sees, and the field in which the field of advice.
3 / advice you need to prove or the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, which he got in front of you, you do so uncertain. (Waasitiyyah explain the doctrine of Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

Posting denial.
Q / What controls denial?
There are mentioned al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Base:
May denounce evil even ascertain that he would not move him to evil evil too strong for him, and if certain that a denial of evil leads to evil too strong for him it is sin unless he learned that denial leads to what is the best.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah:
He passed a group of Tatars are playing chess and drinking alcohol in public in Damascus, and was told to Shaykh al-Islam, but to deny them?
He said God's mercy: Let them that this concern of lesser concern to Muslims and abuse and this is a great jurisprudence. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)


5) the denial of the heart.
Saying peace be upon him: {the Vbaklbh could not, and that is the weakest of faith}.
Denounce evil heart kind of assumptions that do not fall Whatever the case,
And the heart that knows no known nor deny the evil heart of ruined empty of faith.
Q / Is discharged slave denial heart?
Not discharged slave denial until the heart is unable to denial by hand or tongue because of the harm inflicted on his body or his money and his energy to endure it.
To deny the heart of the fruit as opposed to a few to deny the hand and tongue great interest to understand. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty p. 289)

Stated in the text of the Book of Allah this verse, a verse
 ((يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا عَلَيْكُمْ أَنفُسَكُمْ لَا يَضُرُّكُمْ مَنْ ضَلَّ إِذَا اهْتَدَيْتُمْ)
 How can we reconcile between him and the hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon him (the people if they saw the oppressor did not take on his hands is about to God Iemanm punishment) ?
Imam al-Nawawi said:
The correct doctrine when investigators in the meaning of the verse:
You are if you did what Kfattm do not harm you confine you and others) If so, Fmma commissioned by the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, if he did not comply with the addressee does not lintel then the actor for being led what it is, for he it commands and prohibitions not accept. And God knows (adequate explanation Nawawi's Forty S257)

  • Motives of enjoining good and forbidding wrong.
    Q / What are the motives of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice?
    Many of them are motivated:
    1 / earn reward and pay.
    Interview (from Dell on the good, reward like) (explaining the Muslim emirate book 4/557)
    2 / fear of God's punishment.
    Interview (if evil people if they did not change it, or did not take the hand of the oppressor, is about to Allah Iemanm punishment) (Narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi see Saheeh al 1969)
    3 / anger God qualities of faith due.
    4 / advice for believers and their compassion and the hope of rescue.

    Interview (that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: "Alrahmon Rahman mercy, mercy mercy of the Earth from the sky" (see Saheeh al 3516)

اكتب نصًا أو عنوان موقع ويب أو ترجم مستندًا.

7) khatar tarak al'amr bialmaeruf walnnahi ean almunkar .

'iidha qasr almuslimun hikkamaan wamukumin bihadhdhih almuhimmat shaeat alfahishat waeammat alrradhilat watasallut alfujjar ealaa al'akhyar wayusbih alhaqq batlaan walbatil haqqanaan
wabahadha taearrad al'ummat nafsuha 'iilaa :

1/ altturd min rrahmat alllah kama tard alllah 'ahl alkitab min rrahmatih eindama tarakuu hadhih almuhimm .

qal taealaa (luein aladhin kafaruu min bani 'iisrayiyl ealaa lisan dawud waeisaa abn maryam dhalik bima easau wakanuu yaetadun , kanuu la yatanahawn ean munkar faealuh labis ma kanuu yafealuna[ almayidat :7879)

2/ alhalak fi alddunya qal salla alllah ealayh wasallam .

ean alnnaeman bin bashir rradi alllah eanhuma ean alnnabi salla alllah ealayh wasallama, qala: (mathal alqayim ealaa hudud alllah walwaqie fiha; kamathal qawm astahamuu ealaa safinatin, fa'asab baeduhum 'aelaha, wabaeduhum 'asfalaha, fakan alladhin fi 'asfaliha 'iidha astaqawa min alma' marru ealaa man fawqahum, faqaluu: law 'anna kharaqna fi nasibina kharqana walam nudh man fawqana, fa'iin yatrukuhum wama 'araduu halakuu jamieana, wa'iin 'akhadhuu ealaa 'aydihim najawa wanajawa jamieana) rawah albakhari. kitab alshsharikat 3/111

) the danger of leaving the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
If Muslims Palace rulers and heaped the job spread outrageous and spread vice and lechery shed on the good guys and it becomes null and void right and wrong really
In this nation itself subjected to:
1 / expulsion from the mercy of God as God the expulsion of people of the book of his mercy when he left this task.
He says

لُعِنَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ مِن بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ عَلَى لِسَانِ دَاوُودَ وَعِيسَى ابْنِ مَرْيَمَ ذَلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوا وَّكَانُواْ يَعْتَدُونَ ، كَانُواْ لاَ يَتَنَاهَوْنَ عَن مُّنكَرٍ فَعَلُوهُ لَبِئْسَ مَا كَانُواْ يَفْعَلُونَ﴾ [ المائدة :78ـ79
 (2 / perdition in this world God said, peace be upon him.

Nu'man bin Bashir, may Allah be pleased with the Prophet peace be upon him, he said: (eg,

based on the borders of God and actually therein; like folk Asthmua on the ship, injuring some of them the top, and some of them underneath, was who at the bottom if you drew from the water passed on from above them , they said, if I have violated our share in breach of the above us was not harmed, the leave them and what they wanted all perished, but they took on their hands survived and survived all) Bukhari. Book Company 3/111

اكتب نصًا أو عنوان موقع ويب أو ترجم مستندًا.

3/ edm aistijabat aldduea' .

ean hdhyft rradi alllah eanh 'ann alnnabi salla allh ealayh wsallam qal : << walladhi nafsi biadih latamurunn balmeruf , wlatanhawunn ean almunkar , 'aw layushikann alllah 'an yabeth ealaykm eiqabaan minh , thumm tadeunah fala yustajab lakum >> (rwah alttarmadhi waqal : hdyth hsn .anzur sahih aljamie 6947)

هل تقصد: ح

3 / non-response pray.

Hudhayfah may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, peace be upon him he said: «and my hand to Tomrn Promotion of Virtue and forbidding what is evil, or God Yushkn to send you punish him, and then you call is not answered you» (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi said: a good talk. See the Whole 6947)


أعلى النموذج

ترجمة نص أو صفحة ويب

اكتب نصًا أو عنوان موقع ويب أو ترجم مستندًا.

9) muetaqad alttawayif fi alamar bialmaeruf walnnahi ean almunkar.

1/ madhhab alkhawarij.
jaealuu mmin al'amr bialmaeruf walnnahi ean almunkar alkhuruj ean walat aljawr walzzulm walfijar min alwalat min alghaluww wahadha batil makhalif litariqat 'ahl alssanat waljamaeat.

2/ alssufiat wabed tawayif alqudria .

wahum jafuu hayth tarak bialmaeruf walnnahi ean almunkar aslaan kahal almutasawwifat wamin ra'aa alqadr madyaan fi alnnas fala yahtaj 'iilaa al'amr bialmaeruf walnnahi ean almunkar .

3/ madhhab 'ahl alssanat waljamaea .

hum wasat bayn qawm ghaluww wahum alkhawarij ,wqum jafw wahum alssawfiat fahum jaealuu lah qawaeid wadawabit washurut.
fal'amr yatatallab 'amran:

1/ elmaan

2/ ghayrat.

falealm fat alkhuraj walmuetazilat , walghayrat ealaa din alllah fatt alssufiat wamin shabahihim .( sharah aleaqidat alwasitiat lilshshaykh salih al alshykh)

wasal alllah wasallam ealaa nabina muhammad waealaa alh wasahhabih 'ajmaein

هل تقصد: ح

) belief communities in the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.7
1 / doctrine of the Kharijites.

Made of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice to depart from the governors of tyranny, injustice and ungodly of the governors of the hyperbole and this void is contrary to the way the Sunnis and the community.
2 / Sufi sects and some fatalism
Jvo where they leave the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice originally Like the Sufis It felt much in the past does not need people to the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
3 / doctrine of the Sunnis and the community.
They are a compromise between people who are Kharijites hyperbole, folk and Sufi Ajafo They made him understand the rules and regulations and conditions.
It requires two things:
1 / note
2 / Other
Science and rolls Khuraj Mu'tazila, and jealousy on the religion of Allah missed the Sufi and the like. (Explain Waasitiyyah doctrine of Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

Arrived blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions


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