الأحد، 17 يناير 2016

Contact splitting of the moon supporters and invited allegiance of the first and second hurdle.

Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions.

· Splitting of the moon.

He says
(اقْتَرَبَتِ السَّاعَةُ وَانشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ وَإِن يَرَوْا آيَةً يُعْرِضُوا وَيَقُولُوا سِحْرٌ مُّسْتَمِرٌّ)( سورة القمر (13- 

Muslims are unanimously agreed that the occurrence of his time in God's peace be upon him when he asked the idolaters verse he showed them the moon twofold even saw Mount Hira between them. (Sahih Bukhari (Fath 7 / 182..osahih Muslim 4/2158)

** Anas bin Malik said: - the people of Mecca asked the Prophet, peace be upon him the verse, the moon broke away, said Mecca twice
(اقْتَرَبَتِ السَّاعَةُ وَانشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ )
(Narrated by Muslim, broke away, he said, the moon in Mecca twice (split came close at the Moon)

* And have watched the companion Abdullah bin Masood incident splitting of the moon in Mecca. (Origin in the correct Ibn Masood brief (Fath) Musnad Ahmad, 4/63 attribution correctly)

So seeing them gave as the reason for the splitting of the moon witchcraft.



· Wandering tribes to seek victory.

Did not call the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him miss a chance to meet with people and call notifying them, especially in the pilgrimage season when progress tribes to Mecca ..

It is addressed by the people in a metaphor ("O people, say: no god but Allah prosper.")

People were Yazdhmon it is that they do not say anything, and he does not remain silent, but repeats call them, and Abu flame shouting: - It Sabi liar, wants to let the gods and let Lat and Uzza. (Musnad Ahmad, 3 / 322-232 attribution of Hassan, and the Prophet's biography of Ibn Kathir 2/196, and said; - well basing this on the conditions of Muslim and did not get him).

· Ansar call and invite them.

Little Jaber bin Abdullah Al-Ansari: - (stayed Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him in Mecca for ten years followed by people in their homes and Bekaz Mjnh seasons in the sense says - from Aaoana? Inasrni from? Even told my Lord and his message paradise ........ that said; - so we sent of God to him from Yathrib Vaoenah and believed him, come out man us Viamn him and we read the Koran, might turn to his family Veselmon Bisalamh, until he left Dar es of the role of the Ansar except where Rahat Muslims show Islam) (the biography of Ibn Hisham 2/37 - 39 attribution of good.)

* Initially fruitful contact Ansar was with a delegation of Khazraj during the pilgrimage season when the heel Mona ..

Told them the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: - Who are you?

They said a group of Khazraj .. He said: - loyal security of the Jews? They said yes ..

He said: - Would not I speak unto you sitting?

They said: - Yes .. and sat with him, called them to God Almighty and offered them Islam and read them the Koran (the Prophet's biography correct .. d. Akram age 1 / 196-197).

· The reasons for the Ansar Islam.

1. For the doctrine of their need to bind them after Rip and hostility caused by the repast emission of only two years before this meeting, perhaps that was the reason for God to Islam of the board ..

2. as well as the killing of their superiors in the emission tempered scramble for leadership and access to the above-Islam

3. Further supporters were Jews and they are adjacent people of the Book, And they know revelation and prophecy and the resurrection and heaven and hell issues, there is no doubt that their minds were steeled to understand Islam more than others. (Biography of Ibn Hisham 2 / 41-45, attribution is true for the other modern bin silent worship in the right context Bukhari close to Ibn Ishaq (Fath 1/66, and Sahih Muslim 3/1333))

· Allegiance first hurdle.

It took the pledge of allegiance first hurdle in the next year to meet with the delegation Khazraj where he attended the twelve men, ten of Khazraj and two ous.

Bin silent worship said: I was the one who attended the first hurdle and we were twelve

Fbayana Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him the allegiance of women - before we are supposed war: that does not involve anything with Allaah, nor steal nor Nzina, do not kill our children do not come oath of Nftre of our hands and our legs and Nasah in known, and are you have your paradise, If Gsheetm of something that Vomrkm to Allah Almighty to forgive willing, if he wishes tortured. (Biography of Ibn Hisham 1/438).

· Sell second obstacle.

As Islam spread in the city, Muslim immigrants and reassured among their fellow supporters, and remained the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him in Mecca and find meant the Quraish and the harm that was intense over time, and gave the delegation protagonists in the pilgrimage season Fbaaawa sell second obstacle was the number of men seventy men, and so on Ansar swore allegiance to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to obedience and the victory and the war so he called bin silent worship allegiance of the war. (Biography of Ibn Hisham 2 / 63.omsnd Imam Ahmad 5/316 attribution correctly to others)


· Migration to the city of the Prophet.

Correct texts indicate that the choice of the city immigrants to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him was inspired by God, as in the talk: -

(I saw in a dream that I emigrate from Mecca to the land of palm trees and went to Haley she dove or abandoned if the city of Yathrib.) (Sahih Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari 7/226, 4/1779 and Sahih Muslim)

· Early immigrants.

The Musab bin Omair and Ibn Umm Maktoum were one of the first immigrants, where he was Iqrian people Koran. (Sahih Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari 7/260) of al-Bara bin celibate)

* Migrants have been introduced following the city's Bilal bin Rabah and Saad bin Abi Waqas and Ammar bin Yasser Omar ibn al-Khattab then in twenty of the Companions. (Sahih Bukhari Open. Bari 7/260) of al-Bara bin celibate)

* The Quraish sought to block the migration to the city: -

1. once booked immigrants funds and some of them carry ..

2. visits to book their wives and children ..

3. scams to bring them back to Mecca .. But all this has not impeded the convoy of immigration, immigrants were ready to dislocation for their money and all their families to meet the need of belief ..



* Migration, peace be upon him to the city: -

* There were news that was leaving on Monday. (Fath Al-Bari 7/236)

And entering the city on Monday.

God Almighty for His Messenger, peace be upon him to immigrate to the city has been authorized, and had frequented the house of Abu Bakr every day in the morning and Massa, hardly beyond that. (Sahih Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari 7/230) when authorized immigration came to them at noon uncharacteristically which Mottagna, told Abu Bakr that. The chosen time back because people home to their homes for a nap to escape from the heat, and convince him stating his sense of danger around him, I planned to Quraish kill him.

He says
(وَإذْ يَمْكُرُ بِكَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ لِيُثْبِتُوكَ أَوْ يَقْتُلُوكَ أَوْ يُخْرِجُوكَ وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللّهُ وَاللّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ )( سورة الأنفال (30
* The novel Daevh- showed because of the transmission - the story of the infidels meeting on the door of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and corn dust on their heads. (Biography of Ibn Hisham 1/483)

* As of Ibn Abbas, the siege of the infidels to his house in order to kill him, and overnight on his bed, and catapulted it God's peace be upon him Balgar, and detest what is learned in the morning Aguetsoa impact to the cave and saw the door of the spider web Fterkoh.

(This novel is not suitable for a protest by a (generous narrated in the story of spider web at the mouth of the cave), Musnad Ahmad, 1/348 attribution weak

Albani said: - (I know: I do not fit in the modern spider and Alhamamtin) .. (weak conversations 3/339 series))

* Talk very weak has been received; - stating that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him what is in the cave of Thor is God tree, Vneptt in the face of the cave, and ordered the two white doves and Hchetin, Voukata the mouth of the cave ..... Such myths leaked to many sources in the modern and biography. (Narrated by Ibn Saad: - 1/229)

* In any case, the conspiracy to kill the idolaters fixed text of the verse is not encirclement of his house ..

* According to the novel true that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him (Frckba they went until they came a laurel blisters) (Sahih Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari 7/389)

· Two are've stayed in the cave three nights of the polytheists were able to trace to the cave, where he saw the friend of their feet

· Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, said: I was with the Prophet, peace be upon him in the cave lifted my head if I feet folk, I said: O Prophet of God, if some of them bowed his eyesight saw us, he said: "shut up, O Abu Bakr two third of whom God). Sahih Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari 7/257)

And to the full certainty and trust indicate verse
ذْ أَخْرَجَهُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ثَانِيَ اثْنَيْنِ إِذْ هُمَا فِي الْغَارِ إِذْ يَقُولُ لِصَاحِبِهِ لَا تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَنَا)( سورة التوبة (40 

* Quraish have failed to find them, they announced a reward for those who kill or Aosarhama. (Sahih Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari 7/238) * It has been two are on the road to the city and two Ihsan monitor the polytheists for them, Abu Bakr said: - Taking monitoring we went outside at night.


Prophet trip, peace be upon him in the way of immigration .. He said the friend may Allah be pleased with him from the beginning of the trip said: - (Osrina all be sleeping until the existing afternoon, and during the road is not a passing one, even brought us a long rock her shadow, did not come out the sun And landing after then, I brought my hand Rock leveled a place where sleep Prophet, peace be upon him in the shade and then stretched it the scalp, then I said: - name O Messenger of God and I broke up what you slept around you) ..

Then told Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him news of a shepherd them later, asked him to us and marked the awakening of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and he drank and then said: (Did not come to leave) I said: Yes, he said: Varthalna yet still the sun, and we follow Sracp bin Malik We are in the skin (skin : solid flat ground) from the ground) (Sahih Muslim 4/2309 of al-Bara bin celibate)

Sracp was mentioned in true novel that approached from Monday until he heard read the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and he does not pay attention, Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him frequently pay attention also said he offered them intake and heirlooms have not determined to take something from him, and that his will was: lighter us. (Sahih Bukhari (Fath 7 / 238-239)

* The reserve two are to speak with people who Akablonhma in the way when he is asked Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: This man will lead me the way, only the computer that would mean the road, but mean for goodness (Sahih Bukhari (Fath 7 / 249)

The true that the guide took them through the coast. (Sahih Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari 7/232)

Muslims in the city and had heard of his release from Mecca, were Igdon every day after the apparent city look even if the free intensified them returned to their homes, even if it is the day that awaited feet until none was left under Astzlon it came back and gave the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him has entered homes, Vbesr Venadahm by Jews, they went out and were Farahtm Fastqubloh its immersive have carried their weapons and applied toward free Fastqubloh phenomenon. Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless descended upon him in Quba in Bani Amr bin Auf fourteen night Quba mosque foundations.

(Sahih Bukhari (Fath 7 / 239-265) - (in Sahih Muslim 4/2300, that they came to the city at night, and combines them that night and enter access during the day (opening 7/244)

* Since the determination of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him to enter the city sent to the leaders of the Bani Najjar they came imitators swords. (Sahih Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari 7/265)

Vohatoa Prophet peace be upon him and Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him and the two passengers and the two went on procession inside the city,

And it was told the city: - the prophet of God came, the prophet of God came. (Sahih Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari 7/250))

Men and women have ascended above the houses, and differentiate the young men on the road calling for: - (O Muhammad, O Messenger of Allah, O Muhammad, O Messenger of Allah) (Sahih Muslim 4/2311.)

Companion Bara bin celibate may Allah be pleased with him, said a witness: (I never saw the people of the city people of the city rejoiced with some joy Prophet, peace be upon him) (Sahih Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari 7/260))

And accept the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him even walking by the house built Ayyub al-Ansari came down, asked: any houses of our people closer? Abu Ayyub said: - I O Prophet of Allah, this Dare and this door. Fterl and his home. (Sahih Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari 7/250))

* Those novels that benefit greeted anthem: (full moon we got out of the folds of farewell *) did not respond by the true story (Ibn Hajar al-Baari (7/250) of recycled 3/550 increased)

* Was contained in the books of biography that Ansar leaders looked forward to hosting the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the more over one of them invited him to come down with him was to say to them:

- (Called the camel they commanded fabricated on the door of Abu Ayyub al. (Biography of Ibn Hisham 1/494 without attribution, and the Maghazi Marina bin obstacle 1/183 without attribution ... For more information please refer to the book Biography correct 1/219, d. Akram al-Omari)

* It was his house two floors, Abu Ayyub al-Ansari said: - came down on the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him in my house came down in marasmus I am a mother of Job in height, I said to him: - Yanpi God - my door you and my mother - I hate and greatest to be above you, and be Subway ,, show you Be in height, and we came down and we are in marasmus .. O Abu Ayyub said: enclose us and who Agshana wn to be in the House.

He said: - Flankd Broke us Jeb the water, I got a mother I Ayoub Baktifa us our money quilt other Nnschw the fear that the water dripping on the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and harm him something of it. (Biography of Ibn Hisham 1 / 498. attribution correctly, and the ruling Mstrdek 3/460 attribution correctly).

God bless our Prophet Muhammad, and his family and companions


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