السبت، 16 يناير 2016

Call openly harm the idolaters of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him to immigrate to Abyssinia: -

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah on him and his family and companions

· Call openly.

Elapsed call phase secret revelation of the verse
 وَأَنْذِرْ عَشِيرَتَكَ الأَقْرَبِينَ) الشعراء:214 
went Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him even ascended Safa exclaimed: O two mornings, Vojtmat Quraish to him, he said: - (my son so and so, O children of Abd Manaf, son Abdulmutallab, Do you see if I told you horses that graduated the foot of this mountain Okintm Msedki ?? They said, falsely tried what you said, I warner to you in the hands of a severe torment, he said: Abu flame: Woe to you but only brought us to this !! .. He then came down this Surah:
 { تَبَّتْ يَدَآ أَبِي لَهَبٍ } سورة المسد:1)
Fath Al-Bari 8/337, and Sahih Muslim from Ibn Abbas 1/194)

It is natural that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon start him call for public warning his clan relatives, that this does not mean that the message of Islam was in their roles first limited Baqric, because Islam is also reflected from the Koran took the call in the Quraish first step to achieve universal message, and the fact that many of the The Meccan verses states that the Quran
(وَمَا هُوَ إِلاَّ ذِكْرٌ لِّلْعَالَمِينَ)سورة القلم :68

A number of companions was the safest in public advocacy stage, such as Abu Dhar al-Ghafari, the safest and dressing, and gave up the parasite Amr Ibn Al-Dosari, and other companions, God bless them.

· Harm the idolaters of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

Announcement of the call required Muslims face the realities of the infidels and the corruption of monotheism polytheism making the infidels are causing harm to the Prophet, peace be upon him and his companions, and took various pictures of the polytheists from harm from insults and verbal abuse, beatings and torture.

* One of the images of abuse messenger verbal of Acharkin him God's peace be upon him that named it (Mzmm) of slander reverse (Mohammed) was the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him rejoice because the idolaters Lisbon Mzmma not Muhammad and tell his companions exclaimed that the exchange of God with him insulted.

1) This is a beautiful woman or dad flame seek: -

Mzmma our father, and his religion Kulaina, and ordered him hard.

 He said peace be upon him «not Taajabun how distracted Me cursing God Quraish and cursed them; Mzmma swear and curse Mzmma I Mohammed». (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Fath 6 / 554-555)

2) tells the witness is Abdullah bin Masood may Allah be pleased with him about everything from his picture and actual abuse, peace be upon him

He says (while the Messenger of Allah standing in prayer at the Kaaba, and the collection of Quraish in their councils as the man who said them said: But do you see this Tartuffe? Which of you is to the roots every so and so, Vimay to Vrtha and her blood and Sllagha, it comes and it then give him even if he worshiped and put it between his shoulders. ? Vonbos brutalized, and when he worshiped the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and put it on his shoulders.

.othbt Prophet said, peace be upon him prostrating they laughed even some money to some of laughter, he went out to Fatima may Allah be pleased Voqublt seeking,

 And proven Prophet said God bless him and even threw him prostrate, and turns them INSULT THEM, when he spent the Messenger of God from prayer, he said: - O God, you Baqric, you Baqric ​​Oh God, Oh God, you Baqric ​​..

Then named: - Oh God, you Amr ibn Hisham, the threshold bin pledge of allegiance, and Shaybah bin Rabia, and Waleed bin threshold, and illiteracy bin behind, and an obstacle Ibn Abi, and architecture bin Walid. Abdullah bin Masood said: - Fu God I saw them lying on the day of Badr, then pulled to KULAIB (open well) Kulaib Badr then the Messenger of Allah said, he said, peace be upon him (and follow KULAIB owners curse) (Bukhari, Fath Al-Bari 1/594, and Muslim right 3 / 1418-1420

* The correct other novels showed that Alvrt who threw it is: an obstacle ibn Abi and those who incited him is Abu Jahl. (Sahih Bukhari, Fath 6 / 283.7 / 165, and Sahih Muslim 3/1420)

And that the infidels have been affected by the call of the Messenger of Allah said, peace be upon him, it is the construction of them, because they see that the call is answered in Mecca (Fath Al-Bari 1/349

3) It has been proven that the Prophet, peace be upon him called Quraish what Kzboh Astasoa him and said: - (Oh God, I mean them seven Kspa Joseph) Sahih Bukhari

Vokhzthm years examined everything, even the dead ate leather, make the man sees between him and the sky with smoke from hunger, came Abu Sufyan to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: You order to obey God, and nothing of the uterus, and that your people have perished pray God to them, and when he called Rabbo them in the hope of repentance returned to their disbelief and have forgotten what the Koran on their tongues they said: Our Lord reveal torment from us believers. (Sahih Bukhari 6 / 39-40, and Sahih Muslim 4/2157)

Quran has proved this incident, God said (and says:
{‏فَارْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِي السَّمَاءُ بِدُخَانٍ مُّبِينٍ، يَغْشَى النَّاسَ هَذَا عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ، رَبَّنَا اكْشِفْ عَنَّا الْعَذَابَ إِنَّا مُؤْمِنُونَ، أَنَّى لَهُمُ الذِّكْرَى وَقَدْ جَاءَهُمْ رَسُولٌ مُّبِينٌ‏}‏سورة :الدخان (10/13)
 Sahih Bukhari 2/15 to 19.6 / Muslim 32.osahih 4 / 2155-2157)

Vdaute God bless him and them was because of him and discredit them Astasaihm on faith and not hurt them because of him. Urwah ibn al-Zubayr Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas was asked on faith, not because of his abuse.

4) has asked Urwah ibn Zubayr Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas: Tell me what made the strongest detest the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him?

Said: While the Messenger of Allah pray courtyard Kaaba as I accept the obstacle ibn Abi took Bmenkb the Messenger of Allah and twisted him in the neck, Fajngah strangled severe turned to Abu Bakr took Bmenkbh and pay for the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and said
 ((أَتَقْتُلُونَ رَجُلًا أَن يَقُولَ رَبِّيَ اللَّهُ وَقَدْ جَاءَكُم بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ مِن رَّبِّكُمْ ۖ)غافر:28)
 (Sahih Bukhari 0.8 / 554.wabn Isaac: Sir Maghazi 229-330bosnad Hassan

5) Ibn Abbas said: said Abu ignorance: While I saw Muhammad pray at the Kaaba to Oton on his neck, that reached the Prophet, peace be upon him ("if he did to you took the angels visibly." (Bukhari, Fath good talk odd integer)

Ejaculates God Almighty
أَرَأَيْتَ الَّذِي يَنْهَى* عَبْدًا إِذَا صَلَّى)( سورة العلق (9/10

6) The polytheists seal annoyance to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him trying to kill him in the late Meccan phase, which was a direct cause of migration.

· Quraysh persecution of Muslims.

Ibn Kathir in the beginning and the end 1/491 said:

Ibn Ishaq said that Qureshi enemy of the safest and follow the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him from his companions, Vothbt of each tribe to which Muslims, Fjalo locked up and tortured with beatings, hunger and thirst, and Bramada Mecca is very hot.

1) This Bilal Molly Baker

 The illiteracy bin behind if protect afternoon and then order the great rock posted on the chest, and then say: God does not remain so until you die or atone Muhammad, peace be upon him, and worship Lat and Uzza, he says, it is in that one, one. Still tortured until bought by Abu Bakr Voatgah. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Fath 7/99)

2) it has received many novels in purgatory colors received by him Ammar bin Yasir and his family, which is enough to prove the incident historically, and in the modern (Cheer Ammar Al the time, Paradise) (talk properly)

3) Among those who earned it harm in the way of Allah Khabab bin Aratt.

Even asked the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him to pray to God to relieve the oppressed,

He came to the Prophet, peace be upon him which is the average backlash is in the light of the Kaaba, has been greatly severity of the idolaters I said, O Messenger of God not Tdaolna?! Sat -oho reddened his face, he said, peace be upon him ("might have been before you, combing combs iron below the bones of meat or nerve what spend it for his religion, but Whitman God this matter until the passenger from Sanaa to Hadramaut, what afraid only of God.") (Sahih Bukhari Fath Al-Bari 7/165 / 0.6 / 619)

* The Khabab worked as a blacksmith's work for the wayward son Wael gathered his sword he has earned money went,

 Aas said: Oqdak not even atone Muhammad, replied Khabab: until you die and then send.

.faqal Aas quipped: Siqdah that the Day of Resurrection of his money !! Verse came down:
مريم:77/80((أَفَرَأَيْتَ الَّذِي كَفَرَ بِآيَاتِنَا وَقَالَ لأوتَيَنَّ مَالا وَوَلَدًا
 (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Fath 4/5452 / 8.77 / 430-431, and Sahih Muslim 4/2153 ))

 All those positions which shows what the right of Muslims of injustice and anger for their money as well as harm to their bodies. As evidenced by the veto Quraish NATO curiosity held by only two contracts Islam!


· Migration to Abyssinia: -

Established that Muslims migrated to Abyssinia twice (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Fath Al-Bari 8/187)

1) The first migration:

 In the month of Rajab of the year five of Alambos, they are one of ten men and four women came out to the sea pedestrian Fastogroa ship half dinars. (Fath 7 / 187-188)

Has been portrayed by: Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased by the wife of the Prophet, peace be upon him, she said: "Why narrowed We Mecca and traumatized the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and persecuted and saw what suffer from the affliction and discord in their religion, and that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him not can pay it for them, and the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him to prevent him from his people and his uncle, is not up to something which hates what undermine his companions, he said to them the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: The land of Abyssinia king does not oppress one with him, and handed his country, even God makes you a respite, and a way out than you are in it, "and went outside to Arsala, until we met, and we went down fine house to secure good neighbor to our religion, and did not Nkhc him unjustly

) (Fath Al-Bari 7/189 and the biography of Ibn Hisham 1/334 attribution Hassan)

* In the wake of the first migration to Abyssinia happened to be upon the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him in the Grand Mosque and recites An-Najm bowed himself in the place of prostration and worshiped all those who were present but two of the proud, commonly reported among the Quraysh had converted to Islam. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, as in the open-Bari 2 / 551-553 and Sahih Muslim 1/405)

Alusi said: -

Perhaps the prostration of the idolaters with the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him what Oaatarahm of fear and amazement they are listening to news of the destruction of the above-Nations. (Welcomed meanings 17/178 Almneryh i)

2. The second migration to Abyssinia: -

When he reached the land of the Muslims who are the people of Mecca to Abyssinia converted to Islam, and he came back the people whom Othman bin Mazon to Mecca did not find what they told him is true, they returned and walked with them to the group of Abyssinia, the second migration.

They are two and eighty-eight men and ten women. (Fath Al-Bari 7/189)

* Quraish and gesture to send a delegation to restore Muslim immigrants to Christian Abyssinia, and its king knew justice which is close to Mecca, all of which constitute a danger to the Quraysh in the future.

But Negus, king of Abyssinia gave security to the Muslims, they settled with a good neighbor in the best house.

Most immigrant Abyssinia has migrated to the city after the stability of Islam and delayed Jaafar bin Abi Talib and those with him to open the Khyber 7 years e. (Fath al-Baari (7/234).

* According to a hadith from Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him:: «What I know Boehma families, open the Khyber or the coming of Jafar?




· Married God bless him and Umm Habiba: -

I Obaidullah bin horse pair Umm Habiba girl Sufian Fajdobaa Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him married her died a Balhabcp (Ibn much in the beginning and the end 1/754 (this was after the Battle of the trench)

 Wife them Negus and dowry four thousand then processed from him and sent with Sharhabeel bin classed, the whole apparatus of the Negus, did not send the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him something, and the ponies pairs of God be upon him 400 dirhams (Musnad Ahmad, 6/427 and Sunan Abi David 2/538 attribution correctly.)

God bless our Prophet Muhammad, and his family and companions

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