الخميس، 4 فبراير 2016

Prayer (prayer of the people in the door Excuses)

Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions.

2) Traveller

It is prescribed for a traveler his palace prayer quartet from four to two rak'ahs

He says :
(وَإِذَا ضَرَبْتُمْ فِي الأَرْضِ فَلَيْسَ عَلَيْكُمْ جُنَاحٌ أَن تَقْصُرُواْ مِنَ)( النساء:101

The Prophet, peace be upon him did not arrive in the travel, but a palace, and the palace better than the completion in the majority of scholars

:( Talk about Aisha, wife of the Prophet, peace be upon him, she said: "Prayer imposed two by two in urban travel, travel Voqrt prayer, and Zaid urban prayers." Al-Bukhaari (1090) and Muslim (685)

Q / when the palace begins?

Traveler from Amer his departure because God forgave minors who hit the ground, and because the word travel means travel, ie: going out to the desert, if did not emerge into the desert, which is revealed in one of the houses, it was not traveling. (Abstract idiosyncratic Sheikh Fawzan p. 158)

Q / Is it permissible for the traveler?

The traveler may combine Zuhr and Asr, and the combination between Morocco and dinner at one time.

Talk (Maaz bin Jabal, the Prophet, peace be upon him was "in the Battle of Tabuk, if he goes before the aberration sun last afternoon that gathered to age Faisalehma all, and if he goes after aberration sun hastily Age to the back and prayed Zuhr and Asr all then walked, and it was If you traveled by Morocco Morocco last even pray with dinner, and if he goes after Morocco hastily dinner Vslaha with Morocco) is true: Narrated by Abu Dawood (1208) Abstract idiosyncratic Sheikh Fawzan p. 159)

Q / When it is permissible to combine prayers?

Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah:

It is permissible to combine Zuhr and Asr, and the combination between Morocco and dinner for the patient to leave the combined help of discomfort.

The combination is permitted for those who are unable to Purity every prayer ambushed by urinary incontinence or wound to Aerga blood and istihaadah (The Prophet ordered her to combine the two modern) (Majmoo (24/7273)

The combination is permitted to get rain Whipple clothes and no trouble with him, because the Prophet collect between Morocco and dinner on the night of rain) (Sahih Bukhari (543) and Muslim (705) (Abstract idiosyncratic Sheikh Fawzan p. 16

Q / How can a person pray in the plane?

First, pray in the plane is sitting on his seat, where he was the direction of the plane and beckons to kneel and prostrate, and make prostration lower.

Second, the ordinance does not pray in the plane unless it is able to trend direction at all times, and also be able to kneel down and prostrate, and do, and inaction.

Third: If not able to do so, it delays the prayer until landing at the airport pray on the ground, the feared out time before landing most recently a second time if that brings them Kalzar with the times, and Morocco, with dinner, the feared exodus second time Salihama before out time.

 (For example) if the aircraft took off before sunset the sun and the sun went down and is in the air, it does not pray Morocco until landing at the airport and come down and pray on the ground, it was afraid that the time for Morocco last one to dinner time Vsalihama collection delay after coming on, the feared exodus dinner time, when midnight Salihama before you head out the time. (Opinions and messages of Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen 15/244)

Fourth: How the obligatory prayers in the plane?

Stand and receives direction Vekpr and reads the light and enact read before the opening du'aa or after the Koran, then kneels, then lifted from bowing and reassure exists, and prostrate then lifted from the prostrate and reassure sitting, and then do the second, and then do well in the rest of his prayer, for not been able to prostration sat and nodded to prostrate sitting.

Q / How deprived of Hajj and Umrah traveled in the plane?

First, take a bath at home and remain in regular clothes, though willing, wearing Ihram garments.

Second: If the plane brought align Miqat wearing Ihram garments that the core of the pilgrimage, or umrah

Third: If he enters ihraam before alignment Miqat precaution for fear of inattention or forgetfulness that's fine. (Opinions and messages of Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen 15/245)

Q / What is the period during which shorten the palace?

The distance at which shorten prayers was defined by some scientists about eighty-three kilometers

And some defined it as being what is the custom, though he did not travel with a eighty kilometers, and what people said about him: that he was not the travel, the travel is not even reached one hundred kilometers.

The latter is the choice of Shaykh al-Islam - God's mercy

 - Because God did not specify a certain distance for the permissibility of the palace as well as the Prophet, peace be upon him did not specify a certain distance.

Sheikh Mohammad Nasiruddin Albani said in the series proper conversations - talking No. (163): 163. (The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him if the march of three miles or three leagues came out [doubt Division], Prayer Palace, in the novel: he prayed two]

The words of Shaykh al-Islam - Allah have mercy on him - likely to be correct.

There is nothing wrong when different custom that the man takes to say precisely; because it is said by some imams and scholars hardworking, it is not they do a good, God willing, and the matter as long as disciplined Valrjua to custom is the right thing. (Opinions and messages of Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen (15/265)

3) prayers for the deceased for an excuse:

 - May be obligatory prayers on late if you can not get off it because of getting hurt by rain or mud;

 When Roy mounted bin illiteracy that the Prophet (Allah bless him and handed over to the Strait and his companions and is on his camel, and the sky above them, and gawk from the bottom of them, arrived clutching prayer, he ordered the muezzin authorized and established, then submitted the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him on his camel and prayed them, making gestures; makes prostration lower than kneeling) [Reported by Ahmad and Tirmidhi, and attributed weak.

- And it may also be prayers for the deceased as well as those who feared that his enemy or seven, but he must receive direction, and he must do what is estimated it of bowing and prostration and gesticulation them and tranquility of the verse :
( فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُمْ) (التغابن :16 )
(Abstract idiosyncratic Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan S157)

God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions


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