الأحد، 28 فبراير 2016

4 - شرح رياض الصالحين الحديث الأول الجزء3/ إنما الأعمال بالنيات أقسام ال...

Explanation of Riyad righteous of Sheikh Mohammed al-'Uthaymeen

The first talk of Part One (continued)

Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions

Immigration sections:

Migration is to work, and to be a factor, and be the place.

Section I: the migration of the place:

The man moves from a place where sin abounds, and of much immorality, and may be Kafr country to a country where there is so.

And Oazation migration from country to country blasphemy of Islam, has said the scholars that man must migrate from country to country blasphemy of Islam if he is unable to manifest one's religion.

But if he is able to manifest one's religion, nor opposes If established rituals of Islam; migration is not obliged to, but mustahabb, and therefore have to travel to the country of disbelief is greater than stay in it, if the country of disbelief that was human homeland; if he could not stay where religion; he must leave, and migration from him.

That if one of the people of Islam, and Muslim countries; it is not permissible for him to travel to the country of disbelief; because of the danger to his religion, and morals, and because it is a waste of money, and because of the strengthening of the infidels economy, we are commanded to that Ngaz infidels everything we can, as God has said, the Almighty: O you who believe! Fight those who Iloncm from the infidels and to find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with Almottagan( [repentance: 123], and the Almighty said: )ola tread footstool spite the infidels and obtain an Nila enemy only wrote them the benefit of the work that God does not waste the reward Mahsnin( [repentance: verse 120].

Valccaffr whatever, whether Christians or Jews, or atheists, and whether or not it is called Islam is Islam, the infidel enemy of God and His Book and His Messenger and the believers all of us, no matter how worn including characterize it; it's an enemy !!

It is not permissible for a person to travel to the country of disbelief only three conditions are met:

The first condition:

To have learned ward off doubts;

 Because infidels supplying the Muslims resemblance in their religion, and the resemblance in their messenger, and the resemblance in their book, and the resemblance in morals, and in everything supplying compromised; human remains Shaka volatile, and it is known that if a doubt in matters which must be certainty; it is not the duty, faith in God and his angels and his books and his messengers and the Last day, and much good and evil - this faith - must be a certainty; the human doubt, none of that is an infidel.

Valkavar walk on the Muslims of doubt, even if some of their leaders said: Do not try to be a Muslim graduated from religion to the Christian religion, but enough to Ckkoh in religion; for you if Hkktamoh in religion Mtamoh religion, and this is enough, I took him out of the barn where prevail The pride and dignity and enough. But to try to Tdechloh in the religion of the Christians - is based on the misguided and frivolity - this can not be, because Christians are lost, as stated in talking about the Prophet, peace be upon him (Tirmidhi, Book interpretation of the Koran, the door is Surah Opening of the Book, No. (2953, 2954) says: ((Jews despised them, and Christians astray)), and Ahmad (4/378) says: ((the wrath of the Jews, albeit misguided Christians)). Tirmidhi said: Hassan Ghraib, which is in the Whole last interview.) ,

Although the religion of Christ was prayer and peace right religion, but the religion of truth in his time before copying the message of the Prophet, peace be upon him the guidance and the right as he brought the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

The second condition:

 To have a religion protected from lusts;

Because the human ward off doubts. Who does not have a religion if he went to the country's blasphemy indulged; because he finds the world a flower, there the desires, of the wine, and adulteries, and watts. Each crime is present in the country Ulkipr.vama went to this country, he is feared to slip in the mud, but if he had religion .flabd be protected when human religion is protected from desires.

The third condition:

 To be in need of it;

Like to be sick; needs to travel to the land of the infidels of hospitalization, or be in need of science it does not exist in a country where Islam specialization; goes there and learns, or a human being in need of trade, go and commercializes due. It is important that it should be no need why I feel that those who are traveling to the country of disbelief only for tourism. I see that they are sinners, and that every penny Barvouna to this book, it is forbidden for them, wasting the money, and will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection; while have nowhere Atvshon it or picnicking in which, while not pleased, but their actions, because they are wasting their time, and destroyed the plants of their money, and corrupt their morals, as well as perhaps with their families, it is a wonder that they go to the land of kufr which does not hear the voice of the muezzin, and no mention Zakir, but heard the horns of the Jews, and bells Christians, then stay on there for them and Ohlohm and their sons and daughters, would receive in this evil of many, we ask God wellness and safety.

This scourge that replaces God with calamities and misfortunes that come to us, and which we are now because we live all sins, as Allah says: )oma whatever of misfortune mind the things your hands have earned, and forgives Ktar( [Shura: 30]. We are unaware, we are safe in our country. As if oblivious of our Lord Annan if he does not know, does not seem to dictate to the wrongdoer even if you have not taken Ifelth.

The people in these incidents by Aasron, but their hearts cruel, God forbid! God Almighty has said: )okadd Okhznahm torment What Acetkanwa to their Lord and Atdharon( [Believers: 76]. Okhznahm tortured, and got them, however what Acetkanwa to God, and what Tdharawa to pray, and they were afraid of his influence, but the hearts hardened-ask God Avih- and died; even became fateful accidents pass on the heart like cold water, seek refuge with Allah from the death of the heart and cruelty and only if the people in mind, and in the living hearts, what became of this situation, which we are now, while we are in the situation we consider that we are in the event of fatal devastating war, nerve gases, soldiers and other war, however this does not find anyone move a finger, but the pleases God, this is no doubt that a mistake, that the people in these difficult circumstances Bohlehm went picnicking in the land of infidelity, immorality in the country and in the country's promiscuity, God forbid!

And travel to the land of the infidels to the call may be; if it has an impact and effect there, it is permissible, because travel to the interest, and the country's blasphemy many publics may blind them about Islam, they do not know about Islam something, but may have been misled, and they were told that Islam is a brutal and barbaric mobs religion, nor especially if the West had heard of such incidents that took place at the hands of those who say they are Muslims, they will say where Islam ?! This brutal !! Monsters pitched merely on each other and eat each other, Vernfr people of Islam because of the actions of the Muslims, we ask God to guide us all to His Straight Path.

Section II: labor migration,

 It is that man abandons what Allah has forbidden him from sin and immorality

Prophet, peace be upon him, he said: (a Muslim of Muslims from his tongue and his hand and the immigrant ladder of abandoned what God forbade him) (Narrated by Bukhari, Book tortillas, door finish for sin, No. (6484) and Muslim, Book of Faith, door differential Islam statement and any its affairs better, number (41).)

Vtahjr everything that God has forbidden you, whether it is making the rights of God, or the rights of worshipers of God; Vottaghr insults and verbal abuse, murder, fraud and consuming wealth unlawfully and disobeying parents and severing the ties of kinship and everything God has forbidden Tahjrh, even if that yourself invited you to this and insisted on you, Remember therefore that God has forbidden it until Tahjrh away with him.

Section III: migration factor

, The Group may not answer sometimes he emigrated, said the scholars, such as microscopes man's sins; who does not care about them; it is prescribed abandoned if it is in the interests of the utility and abandoned.

The interest and the interest that if abandoned knew as himself, and returned for sin.

For example: unknown fraud, buying and selling a man; Viahjrh people, if deserted him repented of this and went back and remorse, and a man a second deal in riba, Viahjrh people, do not surrender it, nor Ichaelmonh; if knew this ashamed of himself and returned to his senses, and a third man-a virtuous -Your pray; that is an apostate infidel - God forbid -; must forsake; do not respond peace be upon him, and greets him, nor answer the call even if identified himself and returned to God and returned to Islam benefited so.

If the abandonment does not help does not help for a sin, not for Hamlet, because the abandonment of Kafr if it abandons. And the infidel apostate abandons if at all - reported or did not report - but the owner of that sin without disbelief if it is not in the interest of abandoned it solves Migration;

Because the Prophet, peace be upon him said: (not permissible for a Muslim to forsake his brother three nights they meet presents this shows that, of them turning away, which begins peace) (Narrated by Bukhari, Book literature, door immigration number (6077), the Muslim book of righteousness and relevant, the door of the prohibition abandonment over the three without a legitimate excuse, No. (2560).).

It is well known that the sins that without disbelief when the Sunnis and the group does not go out

 Of faith.

Matter remains thereafter; Do abandonment is useful or not? He said, and it is obligatory that man let sin it abandons, and the evidence for that is the story of Ka'b bin Malik - may Allah be pleased with him, and Hilal bin illiteracy, and the bitterness of bin spring - God bless them - who Takhtlfoa for the Battle of Tabuk Vahjarham Prophet, peace be upon him (referring to a recent heel bin Malik in the story of failure Battle of Tabuk Narrated by Bukhari, book Maghazi, Ka'b bin Malik modern door, No. (4418), Muslim, book of repentance, talk repentance of Ka'b bin Malik and his two companions door, No. (2769).) ordered Muslims Bahjarham, but they benefited the great benefited and taken refuge in God, and narrowed them down the ground including welcomed, and narrowed them themselves, they were convinced that there is no refuge from Allah except him Vtaboa and God repented them.

These types of migration:

Migration place

And labor migration

And the migration factor.

Pray God's peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions


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