الأربعاء، 24 فبراير 2016

Issues of fasting
Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions
1 / issue of the terms of mushroom Bamuftarat.
Q / What are the conditions for mushroom Bamuftarat?
The previous Maad breaking the fast of menstruation and mortality, namely, (intercourse Bailout proceed with eating and drinking and Bmanahma cupping and vomiting.)
Fasting person does not break anything of which were available only in three conditions:

1) to be a scientist.
If he did not fast ignorant of the meaning of our Lord :(

:( رَبَّنَا لَا تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِنْ نَسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا ,
"he said, have done") (Narrated by Muslim.)
2) to be saying.
If it is true then his fast forgetting not eliminate it
Of Abu Huraira that the Prophet, peace be upon him: he said :( who have forgotten that he is fasting and he ate or drank, let him complete his fast, for he fed God and gave him to drink) (Agreed.)
Q / tighter if he sees fasting eat or drink do you call him or her?
Yes to the verse :

 وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى)المائدة:5
3) to be selected
Ie, addressing the invalidates the fast choice and will.

Q / What is the ruling if forced to fast Is it correct?
If compulsion for breakfast then his fast is true not eliminate it because God Almighty lifted the referee who Kafr under duress and his heart remaining firm in Faith
Of the meaning of Kafr :

(:( مَنْ كَفَرَ بِاَللَّهِ مِنْ بَعْد إِيمَانه إِلَّا مَنْ أُكْرِهَ وَقَلْبه مُطْمَئِنّ بِالْإِيمَانِ وَلَكِنْ مَنْ شَرَحَ بِالْكُفْرِ صَدْرًا فَعَلَيْهِمْ غَضَب مِنْ اللَّه وَلَهُمْ عَذَاب عَظِيم)النحل:106
If the lifting of the rule of God disbelief those who hate him what the first without him.
Interview :( God surpassed me about my nation: error, forgetfulness, and Acetkrhoa ") (Narrated by Ibn Maha and nuclear Bayhaqi and classed) (councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen S108 109)

2) issues regarding does not break the fast.
Q / Magm if flew to Al-Jawf fasting dust or entered into anything without him?
Then his fast is true, does not eliminate it.
Q / Is break distilling medication in his ear?
Does not break. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen R 108 109)
Q / Do you break the fast food if not tastefully Abelah?
Does not break. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen R 108 109)
Q / Is break sniffing perfume and incense?
Does not break but do not inhale the smoke of the incense because his parts may ascend arrived to stomach anything of it. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen R 108 109)

Q / Is it permissible for the fasting person to do what relieves the extreme heat and thirst?
Yes permissible for the fasting person to do what relieves him extreme heat and thirst, such as a cold water.
As owner and Abu Dawood narrated from some of the companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him said: I saw the Prophet, peace be upon him lameness (position) Name pours water on his head when he was fasting from thirst, or the heat) (True.) (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen S110)


3) issues in Siam guardian.
Q / What is meant Balouli?
It is the heir.
Guide: the words of the Prophet (Peace be inflicted statutes, its people, and whatever is left is for the first man Male ».) (Al-Bukhari narrated in the statutes (6746) and Muslim in the statutes (1615)
Stated priority inheritance, if the guardian is the heir.
It was: the guardian is near absolute
The closest: he was the heir. (Mumti on Zaad of Sheikh Mohammed al-'Uthaymeen 6/457)

Q / when required the guardian of fasting?
Lent obliged if he could not do, and if we died for his guardian: Deaf him.
Guide: Aisha, may Allah be pleased that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: (from Matt him fast, fasted with him and LES) (Narrated by Bukhari (1952) and Muslim (1147)

Q / if a person dies and the imposition of fasting Ramadan expiation or other does he have with him?
Otherwise correct to say, that of Matt and the Siam impose asset-Shara, the guardian spent with him.
Q / Magm if another excuse Ramadan was spent to excuse this excuse and continued until he died? Is it fast and Les for?
Do not fast on his behalf and Leh because God commanded him several days last of which was not able to hit him like someone who died before entering the month of Ramadan.
* But if you managed to eliminate Vfrt it until he died Here it fast the guardian. (Mumti on Zaad of Sheikh Mohammed al-'Uthaymeen 6/457)

Q / Is the fasting only the guardian of one of the heirs?
It prevails all Crown heir
For example: if someone with him fifteen man son wanted every one of them to fast for two days thirty days is sufficient, if thirty men fasted one day he may.
As if in expiation zihaar to be two consecutive months can not be Iqtzmh heirs requirement relay. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen S59 60)


Q / What is the ruling of the dead and the pilgrimage vow?
The guardian Hajj on his behalf.
Guide: that a woman asked the Prophet, peace be upon him :( My mother vowed to go for Hajj pilgrimage has not even died her mother who had died, he said: Yes it Haji) (Narrated by Bukhari (1852)
Q / man vow tighter to I'tikaaf and Matt did I'tikaaf what to do?
I'tikaaf his guardian, because this has become i'tikaaf have it, and we have had it spends i'tikaaf not be a chore, but the vow. (Mumti on Zaad of Sheikh Mohammed al-'Uthaymeen 6/459)
Q / Magm: A man had to spend a disease of the Ramadan feast day and continued his illness until he died. Does he have anything?
He does not have anything nor fast the him because he was unable to act. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen)

اكتب نصًا أو عنوان موقع ويب أو ترجم مستندًا.

s/rjl kan maridanaan fi ramadan maradanaan la yrja birwih madha ealayh?
hadha ealayh al'iiteam li'annah alwajib ealayh lays alssiam wa'innama al'iiteamu.( sharah kitab alssiam min bulugh almaram lilshshaykh muhammad aleathimin.)
s/ siam alwali hal ealaa sabil alwujub 'am ealaa sabil alaistihbab ?
'iidha nazarna 'iilaa hadith (en eaysht radi allah enha, 'ana rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam qala:(man mat waealyh siamun, sam eanh waliuhu)
sar ealaa sabil alwujub ,lkun 'iidha nazarna 'iilaa 'ahadith 'ukhraa ,tbin 'annah lays ealaa alwujub li'ann hdha yulzim 'iidha lm yasim alwali sar athim walllah yaqul (wala tazir wazirat wizr 'ukhraa)alnjm:38
*lhadha yahmil ealaa al'iisthbab lamma fih min al'iihsan 'iilaa almayit
*waimma ealaa al'iibahat liqawlih taealaa :( wa'an lays lil'iinsan 'iilaa ma saeaa)alnjm:39
fal'amr bayn alaistihbab walabahata, 'amma alwujub fala yjb (shrih kitab alssiam min bulugh almaram lilshshaykh muhamma

Q / A man was sick in Ramadan disease no hope of recovery Why do it?
This is it feeding because it is not to be fasting, but feeding. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen.)
Q / Siam guardian Is For obligatory or for Undesirableness?
If we look at the modern (Aisha, may Allah be pleased that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: (from Matt him fast, fasted with him and LES)
For it becomes obligatory, but if we look at the other conversations, shows that it is not obligatory because this is required if you did not fast guardian became a sinner and God says

وَلَا تَزِرُ وَازِرَةٌ وِزْرَ أُخْرَى)النجم:38
* This carries on Undesirableness for the benevolence of the Dead
* As for the permissibility of the verse :

 وَأَنْ لَيْسَ لِلْإِنْسَانِ إِلَّا مَا سَعَى)النجم:39
Valomr between Undesirableness and permissible, but obligatory, it should not (explain Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen.)


Q / saying peace be upon him (and therefore fast) Do you include all of fasting or Ramadan due vow or expiation or is it a special vow or government abrogated?
Right: it includes the year (Ramadan vow of Atonement)
To say that this is a weak engrossed in it is not already burner and modern (not a deafening for anyone), this is not true for the Prophet peace be upon him. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen.)
Q / when a person is fasting of Ramadan Is all of the dead did not fast for Ramadan is the fasting of Ramadan?
Not subject to further discussion:
1) as it passed to humans Ramadan, sicker patients hope of recovery
فَعِدَّةٌ مِنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ)البقرة:184
  It is estimated that the disease lasted until he died doing something he does not not feed no fasting, why?
Because this guy it should be (the same number of days) Baqarah: 184 of them died, he could not keep it like that died in Sha'ban he does not have)

2) a person passes it Ramadan, sicker patients hope of recovery or God healed him was traveling breaks the fast, and then became a saying: it's widely Crown to spend in August and died
This is who died and the Ramadan fast, fast on his behalf and Leh.
3) a person over the Ramadan, a patient sicker no hope of recovery,
This does not have to fast, then he has a ransom, it does not come to talk because he is not fasting
Issue three sections.
1 Department of die and it is not no ransom, no fasting.
2 Department of die and it only ransom.
3 die Department and the Siam only. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen)

Q / Is fast the Dead for sequential or sporadic?
It permissible to fast sequential and sporadic. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen.)
Q / Lo met a number of parents and fasted every one than they part?
However, if fasting, which requires the relay is not acceptable such as Atonement.
Not rewarded because of the need to relay that does not fast for one group (the explanation of the book of fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen.)
God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

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