الاثنين، 29 فبراير 2016

6 - شرح رياض الصالحين - الحديث الثالث - لا هجرة بعد الفتح ولكن جهاد ونية

Third talk of Part One (no migration after the Conquest but Jihad and intent)

Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions

And Aisha - God bless them said: The Prophet, peace be upon him said (no migration after the Conquest but Jihad and intent and if Astnfrtm Fanfroa) (Narrated by Bukhari, Book of Jihad, chapter of preferred Jihad and Sir, No (2783), Muslim, Book emirate. door of allegiance after the conquest of Mecca on Islam and jihad, No. (1864).

It means: No migration from Mecca; because it has become a land of Islam.


In this modern denied the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him emigration after the conquest,

He said: (do not drain)

This denial is not understood in general terms, means that immigration does not invalidate conquest, but it

(Ceaseless immigration until interrupted repentance, repentance is not interrupted until the sun has come out of the west) (Narrated by Abu Dawood, Book of Jihad, the door of the Immigration Is interrupted, No. (2479), and Ahmad in his Musnad (4/99), a true Whole number (7469 ).

 Also came to talk about the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him -

 But to be here in the negative: denied migration from Mecca

 As the author said - Allah have mercy on him;

 Because after the conquest of Mecca became the country of Islam, and will not come back after that country's Hamlet, therefore, denied the Prophet, peace be upon him, peace be upon him to be a migration after the conquest.

Mecca was under the control of the infidels, and they were expelled the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, he migrated God's peace be upon him by permission of his Lord to the city and eight years after he returned the Prophet, peace be upon him to Mecca opening victorious Mansora- God and prayers Alih-.

It became a Mecca instead of being the country's Hamlet, has become the country of the faith of Islam and the country, and did not drain them afterwards.

In this proof that Mecca would not return to be the country's Hamlet, but will remain the country of Islam to be based hour, or until it pleases God.

Then he said, peace be upon him: (but Jihad and intent)

  Any command after this Jihad; what comes out the people of Mecca from Mecca to jihad.

And (intention) any good intention for jihad for the sake of Allah, and that that man intends Abjahadh, to be the word of God is supreme.

Then he said, peace be upon him: (If Astnfrtm Fanfroa)

 Means: If Astnfrckm Crown commanded the jihad in the name of God, Fanfroa and Juba, and then there will be Jihad an individual duty, if people are mobilized for jihad; they shall be to alienate, and not to be left only one excuse,

 To say God: O you who believe, what to you if you were told you to go forth in the way of Allah ye are bowed down to the ground with heaviness life of the world from the afterlife. What pleasures of this world of life in only a few Hereafter (38) however, you emigrate Aazbkm painful punishment and replace people other than you do not Tdharoh Haia( [ repentance: 38.39,

 This is a feature in which the Jihad an individual duty.

The second position: if the town attended the enemy, any enemy came even arrived in the country and limit the country, became Jihad an individual duty, and must be on each one to fight, even the women and the elderly who are able, in this case, because this fight defense.

The difference between the fight to defend and fight the demand.

It must in this case that people alienate all of them to defend their country.

Third place: If the class attended, and met with two rows; row infidels description Muslims; then became Jihad an individual duty, may not be the one to go out

 As Allah the Almighty said: O you who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs (15) and Aolhm that day was orchestrated only Trva to fight or biased to the category has B wrath of God, and his abode hell, Almasir( [Anfal: 15.16].

The Prophet, peace be upon him Administrating Day crawl of the seven sins. (Narrated by Bukhari, Book of Commandments, the door of the words of God Come: (Those who eat the wealth of orphans unjustly ...) No (2766). The Muslim, Book of Faith, the door of a statement sins and the largest, No. (88).)

Fourth place: If the heart needs to be human; to be the weapon is only known by an individual, and people were in need of this man; for the use of this new weapon, for example; it has to struggling although not Istnfarh Imam because he has need of it.

In these four citizens, the Jihad an individual duty.

And only then it will be imposing enough.

The scholars said:

 And Muslims must have them fight in public once, struggling enemies of God; to be the word of God is supreme, not in order to defend the homeland from where it homeland, because the defense of the homeland from where is the homeland be insured and the infidel, even infidels defending their home countries, but a Muslim to defend the religion of Allah, Vedaf from home; not because it is their homeland, for example, but because it is an Islamic country; Vedaf him the protection of Islam, who finished in this country.

We must therefore, in such circumstances in which we live today, we must remind all public that the invitation to the liberation of the country, and so the invitation is appropriate, and that it must be packed in people's religious mobilization, said that we are defending our religion, above all, because our country Dean, a country needs to protect Islam and defend, we must defend this intention. The structure of the national defense, or national structure, it would be the believer and the unbeliever, does not help its owner the Day of Resurrection, and if killed while defending this intention is not Bshahyd;

Because the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him asked about a man fighting diet, and fighting courage, and fighting to see any place for the sake of God? He said: (from murderer to be the word of God is supreme, he is in the way of Allah). (Narrated by Bukhari, Book of Jihad, the door of the murderer to be the word of God is supreme, No. (2810). And Muslim, Book emirate, the door of the murderer to be the word of God is Supreme is for God's sake, no. (1904))

Pay attention to this restriction (from murderer to be the word of God is supreme)

Not because it is their homeland and if you are fighting for your home country; and then you infidel either, but the murderer to be the word of God is supreme, represented in your country; your country because the country of Islam; in this case, is fighting a fight in the way of Allah.

And proved to him, peace be upon him, he said: ((do not speak to one for the sake of God - and God knows who speaks in Sepelh- any hurt - but came Day of Judgment and wound Atab; color the color of blood, and the wind, the scent of musk)) (Narrated by Bukhari, Book of Jihad , comes out of the door for God's sake, no. (2803). and Muslim, book emirate, Bab preferred Jihad and out for God's sake, no. (1876).).

Look at how the condition of the Prophet peace be upon him to testify that the man fighting for God's sake, and fight for the sake of God; that is fighting to be the word of God is supreme.

Should the students of science to explain to the people that fight for the homeland is not fighting is true, but is fighting to be the word of God is supreme, and fight for a national; because it is an Islamic nation; Vohmia of his enemies and the enemies of Islam; Only in this will be the intention is correct. God bless.

(Explanation of Riyad Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen God's mercy)

Pray God's peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions



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