الأربعاء، 17 فبراير 2016

(People in the provisions of sections fasting)
Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions
People in the provisions of fasting on the ten sections.
1 infidel.
Q / Are the infidel must fast?
It is not valid because it is not worthy of worship.
Q / Magm if the safest in the course of the month of Ramadan, does he have to spend the last few days?
Does not require him to spend the last days of the verse :

قُلْ لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا إِنْ يَنْتَهُوا يُغْفَرْ لَهُمْ مَا قَدْ سَلَفَ)(الانفال :38)
(councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen p. 42)

Q / What is the ruling that the safest in the day during Ramadan? Does he have to eliminate?
We must hold the rest of the day because it has become obligatory from the people, and he does not eliminate because it was not from the people of obligatory until the time should be constipation. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen p. 42)
Q / Are punished for leaving it in the afterlife if you do not deliver?
Yes, punished for leaving it in the afterlife, and to leave all the duties of religion, because if a Muslim committed to God made them means a punishable if left Valmcetkbr a fortiori.
If the infidel tortured on to his God's blessings of food and drink and clothing, and he did taboo, leaving the duties of the first door. (Mumti on Zaad of Sheikh Mohammed al-'Uthaymeen 6/331)

2) Sub:

Little does not have to fast until they reach the
He said peace be upon him: (Pen is lifted from three: the sleeper wakes up, and even a little, and the insane even surpasses) Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Women's ruling and corrected.)
Q / Do you tell him to Les fasting?
Yes, ordering him to fast if Otagah exercise his obedience to the unfamiliar after reaching following the example of good ancestors. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen S42)

Q / What is the ruling if he puberty during the day in Ramadan?
If the fasting was done fast, and nothing it,
Though it breaks the fast he has to hold the rest of the day because it became obligatory, the people, and he does not His will, because it is not one of those obligatory, while the necessity constipation. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen S44)
Q / What gets puberty?
Puberty one of three for the male occur:
1 complete fifteen.
2 germination pubic.
3 ejaculate lustily.
· To Female If she starts to menstruate four things stood, even if at the age of ten. (Mumti on Zaad of Sheikh Mohammed al-'Uthaymeen 6/333)

3) Crazy.
Q / Who is crazy?
It is insane.
Q / Do the insane or must have his mind Kalmhdhira Should they fast?
They should not fasting to talk: the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him :( Pen is lifted from three: the sleeper wakes up, and even a little, and the insane even surpasses) (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Women's ruling and corrected)

* It is not accountable because it has no mind of its conceivable worship and Inoaha. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen p. 44)

Q / What is the ruling if sometimes reaped and wake up sometimes?
He have to fast if top it without case mad. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen S44)
Q / Magm if Jen during the day in Ramadan Do invalidate the fast?
It does not invalidate his fast, as if he fainted disease and the like.
And this does not have to spend the day in which it got crazy. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen S45)
Q / Magm If you woke up mad during the day in Ramadan?
He must hold the rest of the day, because it has become obligatory from the people he does not have spent Kabba, when he reached the infidel if safest. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen S45)


4) pyramid.
Q / Who is the pyramid?
It is reached delirium.
Q / Do you have the pyramid fast?
He should not be fasting and feeding him fall commissioning him before the boy Vocbh discrimination. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen S45)
Q / Magm If distinguishes sometimes and sometimes babbling?
He shall fast in the event of indistinguishable without case Hveanh fasting and prayer does not require him anyway Hveanh and require him anyway indistinguishable. (Councils month of Ramadan, Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen S45)

God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

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