الثلاثاء، 2 فبراير 2016

· Conditions for Prayer (stems)

Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions

4) reception direction.

Direction: the Kaaba and called kiss people they received them because their faces and their destination.

Guide as conditions of prayer:

The book

: the verse
(وَمِنْ حَيْثُ خَرَجْتَ فَوَلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَحَيْثُ مَا كُنتُمْ فَوَلُّواْ وُجُوهَكُمْ شَطْرَهُ)البقرة :149


 telling Msi links (if you Vospeg to prayer ablutions then received direction, magnify) Narrated by Bukhari (6251) and Muslim (397)


 The Muslims are agreed on the necessity of receiving direction in prayer (mattresses consensus of Ibn Hazm (26). (Mumti on Zaad Sheikh Mohammed'Uthaymeen 2/255)



Q / Magm if peace is to receive direction?

His prayer is invalid is just not exculpatory for discharged only in four situations:

The first case:

If unable to receive direction, such as being sick and not be able to leave to the direction, then his prayer is valid at any point of it was, and this guy can not be turned into a direction not by himself or otherwise.

On him :
 فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُمْ )التغابن :16

Second case:

If he was afraid or was on the run and direction to the direction is, in this case fall by the reception direction, and is known that the trend may be fearful to the direction it has to be a non-direction if he fears for himself if he went to Mecca. Of the meaning
(فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ فَرِجَالًا أَوْ رُكْبَانًا)البقرة:239

If God permits him to pray on foot or passengers, Fmguetdy that authorizes him in the direction to the direction it is.

The third case:

If it was in the book and wanted to pray Fasts, he should pray where he was the direction biography of Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased that the Prophet, peace be upon him (he was praying volunteer, a passenger in the non-direction) Bukhari (1043) and Muslim (540). Ibn 'Umar said: The Prophet (peace be upon him pray to travel on his camel as I went by, pointing gesture the night prayer, but the statutes, and the strain on his camel) Bukhari (955) and Muslim - him - (700) (jurisprudence worship Sheikh Mohammed 'Uthaymeen p. 152)


Q / Magm If you suspect it direction, I do not know any actors be using?

In this case, checking as much as he could, and where is heading thinks it most likely that this is the direction, not redo it if it later turns out that he prayed to non-direction.
 فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُمْ )التغابن :16
 (Jurisprudence worship Sheikh Mohammed'Uthaymeen p. 152)

Q / As evidenced direction?

Inferred direction many things


1 / News told him if Balqublh expensive amended confidence, work with experience if Detective uncertain direction.

2 / If there is an Islamic warrior work out because the time to go to the point of suggesting niches but on the health of its direction.

3 / Stars

He says
 وَعَلَامَاتٍ وَبِالنَّجْمِ هُمْ يَهْتَدُونَ)النحل :16
 (Abstract idiosyncratic Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan p. 79)


5) conditions of prayer (intention)

Intention language: intent

Sharia: the determination to draw closer to an act of worship of God.

Misplaced: the heart, not uttered needs it is a fad, the Prophet peace be upon him did not do, Finoa his heart the prayer that show her Kalzar and age of modern (for the faithful Abu Hafs Omar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and says: { Actions are but by intentions) Narrated by Muslim (1907) (summary idiosyncratic Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan p. 79)

Q / Do you have faith in all the requirement of prayer?

And require that all faith in prayer continue the cut in prayer during the prayer is invalidated. (Abstract idiosyncratic Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan p. 79)

Q / tighter than said (intended to impose as well as the original number as well as the recitation of God behind this performance forward)?

This is an innovation and militancy what God came down from the Sultan did not do this thing Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him did not convey with him, he uttered the intention nor openly nor secretly ordered it. (Abstract idiosyncratic Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan p. 79)

God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

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