الثلاثاء، 16 فبراير 2016

(Accelerate breakfast
Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions.
Q / when prescribed accelerate breakfast?
1) If the sun has set by agreement of the interview: (accept if the night is here and the day departs from here is the sun has set, the fasting person breaks the fast) (Narrated by Bukhari (195) and Muslim fasting (1100)
2) or thinks it most likely Grobachamms It accelerates mushrooms.
Modern girl Abu Bakr names: (Oaftrna on cloudier at the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him and then the sun rises)

The evidence:

If they realized Matalaat sunset the sun, but they worked thinks it most likely. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen).

Q / when deprived accelerate breakfast?
1 / denied if it is known not to sunset.
2 / denied if in doubt Gharwob.
3 / If you suggest him not to sunset. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen)


Q / What is meant by the good effect of accelerating the breakfast contained in this modern (people still okay Majloa Fitr) Agreed?
Religious good and not be good earthly good is a religious Maiaud Balanscherah on the heart and the light. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen)

Q / work day hours when the timing of the breakfast time of the predominance of conjecture or certainty?
Clock no doubt it unlikely, but it certainty is not correct. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen.)

Q / tighter if there is no Maevtr him from the water and pass ...?
Intends to mushroom in his heart. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen)

Q / What to break the fast?
Better for the fasting person to break his fast on the pass did not find For water.
To talk Sulaiman bin Amer may Allah be pleased with him. (If any of you fast break his fast with pass did not find the break his fast with water) (Narrated by the five and classed son Khuzaymah and Ibn ruling.)

أعلى النموذج

اكتب نصًا أو عنوان موقع ويب أو ترجم مستندًا.

sa/ 'ayahuma 'afdal alttamarr 'am alrratb?

alttamarr 'iidha qarn bialrratb fayarad bialttamarr tamurr aljaf ,w'iidha 'atlaq yashmal alttamarr alrratb walttumarr aljaff.

walnnabi salla alllah ealayh wasallam yuftir ealaa ratb fa'iin llam yajid faealaa tamurr fa'iin llam yajid faealaa thlath hasawat min alma'.( sharah kitab alssiam min bulugh almaram lilshshaykh muhammad alethimin)

ـ 'iidha kan eindah ma'an wakhubaz ealaa 'ayihima yaftr?

yuftir ealaa alma' 'atbae lilssanat.

ـ 'iidha kan eindah ma' wahalwaa 'ayahuma yaftr?


1/ minhum min qala: alhulwaa li'ann alnnabi salla alllah ealayh wasallam dhakar alttamr walhulwaa tusharikuh fi alhalawati.

2/ minhum man qal : alma' li'ann alnnabi salla alllah ealayh wasallam ealal fi alma' waqal hu tuhur.

ffaydat alma' hwatthir albadn alssayim 'iidha 'aftar ealayh

*ytarajjah eind alshshaykh muhammad aleathimayn .

yaqdum alma' ealaa alhulwaa.( sharah kitab alssiam min bulugh almaram lilshshaykh muhammad aleathimin)

wasalaa alllah ealaa wasallam nabbina muhammad waealaa alih wasihhabih 'ajmaein

عرض الترجمة لـ س/ على ماذا يفطر الصائم؟ الأفضل للصائم أن يفطر على تمر فإن لم يجد فعلى ماء. لحديث سليمان بن عامر رضي الله عنه .(إذا أفطر أحدكم فليفطر على تمر فان لم يجد فليفطر على ماء)( رواه الخمسة وصححه ابن خزيمة وابن

Q / Which is better dates or wet?

If the dates century Balrdob Virad with dates going dry, and if launched includes wet and dry dates and dates.

The Prophet, peace be upon him break his fast on a wet did not find For pass did not find For three Hassoat of water. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh
Muhammad Othaimeen)
If it had water and bread on whichever break?
Break on the water's followers for the year.
If it had water and candy whichever break?


1 / Some of them said: candy because the Prophet, peace be upon him said dates and candy share in the sweetness.

2 / Some of them say the water because the Prophet, peace be upon him the ills in the water, said Hu purification.

Usefulness water Hotther hull fasting if he breaks his fast

* Swinging when Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen.

Provides water to candy. (Explanation of Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen)

God bless him and our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions


التراجع عن التعديلات


سوف تُستخدم مساهمتك لتحسين جودة الترجمة وقد تظهر للمستخدمين دون الكشف عن الهوية




س/ أيهما أفضل التمر أم الرطب؟ التمر إذا قرن بالرطب فيراد بالتمر تمر الجاف ,وإذا أطلق يشمل التمر الرطب والتمر الجاف. والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يفطر على رطب فان لم يجد فعلى تمر فإن لم يجد فعلى ثلاث حسوات من الماء.( شرح كتاب الصيام من بلوغ المرام للشيخ محمد العثيمين) ـ إذا كان عنده ماء وخبز على أيهما يفطر؟ يفطر على الماء أتباع للسنة. ـ إذا كان عنده ماء وحلوى أيهما يفطر؟ خلاف: 1/ منهم من قال: الحلوى لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ذكر التمر والحلوى تشاركه في الحلاوة. 2/ منهم من قال : الماء لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم علل في الماء وقال هو طهور. ففائدة الماءـ هوتطهير البدن الصائم إذا أفطر عليه *يترجح عند الشيخ محمد العثيمين . يقدم الماء على الحلوى.( شرح كتاب الصيام من بلوغ المرام للشيخ محمد العثيمين) وصلى الله على وسلم نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعينsa/ 'ayahuma 'afdal alttamarr 'am alrratb? alttamarr 'iidha qarn bialrratb fayarad bialttamarr tamurr aljaf ,w'iidha 'atlaq yashmal alttamarr alrratb walttumarr aljaff. walnnabi salla alllah ealayh wasallam yuftir ealaa ratb fa'iin llam yajid faealaa tamurr fa'iin llam yajid faealaa thlath hasawat min alma'.( sharah kitab alssiam min bulugh almaram lilshshaykh muhammad alethimin)ـ 'iidha kan eindah ma'an wakhubaz ealaa 'ayihima yaftr? yuftir ealaa alma' 'atbae lilssanat.ـ 'iidha kan eindah ma' wahalwaa 'ayahuma yaftr? khilaf: 1/ minhum min qala: alhulwaa li'ann alnnabi salla alllah ealayh wasallam dhakar alttamr walhulwaa tusharikuh fi alhalawati. 2/ minhum man qal : alma' li'ann alnnabi salla alllah ealayh wasallam ealal fi alma' waqal hu tuhur. ffaydat alma' hwatthir albadn alssayim 'iidha 'aftar ealayh *ytarajjah eind alshshaykh muhammad aleathimayn . yaqdum alma' ealaa alhulwaa.( sharah kitab alssiam min bulugh almaram lilshshaykh muhammad aleathimin) wasalaa alllah ealaa wasallam nabbina muhammad waealaa alih wasihhabih 'ajmaein

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