الخميس، 25 مارس 2021



(Lessons in fasting)

Definition of fasting.


Fasting (fasting preferred)


Fasting (must be fasting)


Fasting (r intention of fasting)


Sighting of the moon.)


Accelerate breakfast


Fasting (delay Suhoor)


Fasting (Maftrat fasting)


Maftrat fasting (Continued)


(People in the provisions of sections fasting)


People in the provisions of sections fasting (Continued)


People in the provisions of sections fasting (Continued)


Fasting (Ramadan and do)




الجمعة، 19 مارس 2021


The Holy Quran

Nature is the book which, if read carefully and objectively, will lead to Islam.


Goethe, the German writer said: “Whenever I read Kuran, I feel my soul

shaking inside my body.”

الخميس، 18 مارس 2021


 There is a secret for which the number of Muslims gathering for prayer is increasing; it is their pure belief.

 What is the secret that makes Muslims, poor and rich, white and black, stand side by side in prayers like a cemented structure?



What did they say about the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him


No-one has made difference in the universe like that made by the Illiterate Prophet Mohammed within 23 years.


George Bernard Shaw, the British philosopher said: “The world is in dire need of a man with the mind of Muhammad.”


Goethe, the German poet said: “I have looked in the history of humanity for an example and found that it was Muhammad.”

Thomas Carlyle, the English writer, said: “I like Mohammad for his Hypocrisy-free nature.”


Michael Hart said: “He, meaning the Prophet Mohammed, was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level.”


Leo Tolstoy, the Famous Russian writer, stated that he is one of those who look up at the Prophet Mohammed who has been chosen by God to be the last prophet.

Dr. Shibrek, an Austrian doctor, said: “Humanity should be proud to have Mohammed as one of its members.”


A Noble Prize winner, Thomas Carlyle, said: “He was to kindle the world “. He described him adding “… as if he had lights within him to illuminate the darkest of nights.”


A French man, Chatelier, said:

The Message of Mohammed is the best message sent with a prophet.”


Allah says
(إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِندَ اللَّهِ الْإِسْلَامُ)Sural Imran (19)

Islam is the only religion that calls for believing in all the prophets with no discrimination between them.


You were not created for no reason. Think about it; you will realize that you were created to be a Muslim.


Islam is the Religion of Truth which has all the answers consistent with both logic and human nature.


Islam is the only religion that motivates you into creativity and opens all doors of success in

 all the walks of life.


Have you ever searched for information about Islam with objectivity? Have you ever endeavored to know the truth?


Islam is the last divine religion. The Holy Quran is the last book sent down by Almighty Allah.


Had one been looking carefully into the facts, the real moderation is in Islam.