الأحد، 13 ديسمبر 2015

Modern XIV (Matthew wasted the blood of a Muslim)

Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions

the talk:

Ibn Masood may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: {The blood of a Muslim who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah only one of three: divorced adulterer, and self-esteem, and Leaver's religion Junctions of the group} Narrated by Al-Bukhari in 6484 book of faith and Muslim book Alksamh 1676)

· The importance of talking.

Haythami Ibn Hajar said:

A serious attachment to the most dangerous things a blood rules, and the statement Maihl them and solve the money, though the origin of infallibility. (Open set out to explain the forty S150)


· Modern vocabulary.

"The blood" does not solve any Aracth, is meant murder

"One of three" solve the killing of a Muslim because he did a recipe or a lock of three qualities.

"Self-defense" to kill the soul that deliberately killed a soul without right to meet with the slain self.

"Divorced adulterer"

Not divorced from Bbakr, called the male and female.

Adulterer agent noun of adultery

Language: immorality, religiously: intercourse with a man living in the women accepted from non-fuck.

"Leaver's religion," Leaver out.

For religion to be religion: Islam

This Junctions's religion or apostate.

"Junctions group of" leaver of the Muslim apostasy. (Adequate explanation Nawawi's Forty S98)

* Sheikh Saleh al-Sheikh said the:


This may provide us with the words of the Prophet (Peace be ordered to fight the people until they testify that there is no god but God ....)

If achieved unification and up prayer and pay Zakat is infallible blood and money

This modern Ibn Mas'ud the conditions that permitted the unified Muslim blood (explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

· Issues in this talk.

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: {The blood of a Muslim ..)

Q / What is the meaning (not solve)?

Means to be deprived of murder and is a major sin that the blood of a Muslim is permitted unjustly also he said peace be upon him :( do not you go back after me, some of you infidels hits the necks of some)

And started to hit his Muslim brother and killed him without any right of the qualities of the people of disbelief. ((Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

Q / What is the meaning (the blood of a Muslim man)?

Meaning a Muslim who has made Islam came and standardization certificates and appropriate so as not committed expiation nor greater trap. ((Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

Q / What does talk?

It shows that the blood of a Muslim who is infallible rights Islam is not permissible for a not permissible for him to shed his blood or claims the same. This infallibility remains inherent in the Muslim, nor rob him Ooterva him unless one of the felonies committed three each of which would raise the infallibility for perpetrator and makes the blood wasted.

These offenses are:

1 killing oneself intentionally unjustly

2 adultery after chastity.

3 apostasy. (Adequate explanation nuclear forty S99)


2) adultery after Ahassan.

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: {The blood of a Muslim who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah only one of three: divorced adulterer)

Q / What is the meaning of adultery?

Language: immorality, religiously: intercourse with a man living in the women accepted from non-fuck.

Q / What is the meaning divorced?

It called a female who is not married any Bakran male.

Be Thiebaud means that you may savor Alasilh by either: he married a legitimate right to hold MEET conditions, this is called Thebe, this four witnesses to prove that his confession or a clear recognition. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

Q / What is somewhat divorced adulterer?


Muslim scholars unanimously to end stoning the adulterer divorced, was stoned to death of the Prophet peace be upon him and goats Ghaamidi woman. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty S130)                                                                        

Issue /

The scholars differed from adultery with divorced Do combines flogging and stoning or simply the stoning?

But scientists disagree on this issue likely

Mazhb him many of the scholars which is correct:-sufficiency by stoning in many incidents such as the stoning of the Prophet, peace be upon him goats and Ghaamidi woman. (O Unays to the woman that the recognized Vargmeha said tomorrow it admitted the ordered by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him Faragmt) (true Muslim border Book 1698)


3) murder. 

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: {The blood of a Muslim who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah only one of three: divorced adulterer, and self-self)

Q / tighter Muslim intentionally kill his Muslim brother?

His judgment deserved to be killed

:( وَكَتَبْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ فِيهَا أَنَّ النَّفْسَ بِالنَّفْسِ)المائدة :45

He says
(وَلَكُمْ فِي الْقِصَاصِ حَيَاةٌ يَا أُولِي الألْبَابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتّقُونَ } [ البقرة : الآيةُ179 ]

· Assassin mayors and fight or whether the killer murdered a male or a female.

Q / fall when retribution?

Down with retribution if pardoned parents murdered

Q / What are the exception cases retribution?

Cases are:

If one parent was killed and his son

:( Talk does not kill the father of his son) (true Whole Albany 7626)

2 If the Muslim infidel killed

Q / Magm if the infidel of war?

If the infidel of war, the Muslim does not kill.

Q / Magm if dhimmi infidel or the institutes?

There is a difference: the audience went on to say not to kill him

Their argument in that: saying peace be upon him (does not kill Muslim Bccaffr) (Bukhari 8/47) (rules and benefits of nuclear forty S132                                           

3) If the free kill the slave does not kill: because God said :( heat-free) Cow: 178

Mr. earlier said: This expression limited benefit, so its meaning (it does not kill the free non-free)

If it does not kill him, then he worth, seriously what amounted to, but exceeded this friendly free if Abdul kill other) (jurisprudence year 2/526)

Interview: «that a man killed Abdo Sabra deliberate, Fjeldh Prophet, peace be upon him a hundred lashes, and denied by the year, and wiped out its share of the Muslims, and did not drive him, and ordered him to free a slave» Narrated Daaraqutni to this and went public.


4) apostasy

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: {The blood of a Muslim who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah only one of three: divorced adulterer, and self-esteem, and Leaver's religion Junctions of the group}.

Q / What explains religion in saying (and Leaver's religion)?

Leave religion explained:

1 Leave to his religion means apostate: who left the whole religion is permissible in his blood.

2 Leaver that his religion is leaving some of his religion, which the paradox of the group means leaving some of which religion is divisive to the group.

Example: As mentioned Ibn Rajab:

Like if it underestimated the Mushaf and delivered in Alqadhiroat or denial Shi Mayalm religion of necessity. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

Q / Mamni junctions of the group?

It has two meanings:

1 / group: leave the group, which met on the true religion.

2 / divider of the group means going out on the front or a prostitute. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

Q / tighter than left Islam?


The scholars are agreed that it would be left Islam and infidels insisted after Alasttabp it kills, (the rules and benefits of nuclear forty S133)

* Modern (Whoever changes his religion, kill him) Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Sunan owners.

Q / Are women involved in border man?

Yes, women are involved in the man border

Modern :( in an interview forbid that the Prophet, peace be upon him when he sent him to Yemen, he said to him: Any man who converted from Islam Vadeh the returned otherwise and strike his neck, and Any woman who wore Islam Vadeha, the returned otherwise and strike her neck) (hasan by al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar jurisprudence Year 2/456


5) of the implementation of retribution and borders.

Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh said:

1 that the establishment of these things due to the imam or his deputy.

2 that in a country where there is no implementing the provisions of God.

Q / If in a country with no imam or guardian to implement the verdicts Is a Muslim if it is proved that he has something of the verdicts to be implemented?

The answer:

General not as if the words of the scholars stipulate implementation of judgments in which shed blood or money but be ahead.

3 in without murder, as in the cleansing of the skin such as Dungeons is committed adultery or drinking wine or throwing any consequent skin somewhat.

If it chose the Muslim world knew the owner, Salah said cleanse the skin then this is permissible.

* He said scholars are demanding permission of the ruler or guardian. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

Arrived blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

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