الخميس، 17 ديسمبر 2015

Modern seventeenth (Humane Society)

Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions

· the talk:

Abu mounted Shaddad ibn Aws may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: {Allah has decreed humanity in all, if you kill, kill well, and if Zbhtm Vohassanoa angina, but limits any one blade and smell the sacrifice}. Narrated by Muslim, 4/622 fishing book

* The importance of talking.

Nawawi said:

This hadeeth indicates that the general benevolence in everything, and perhaps the killers in truth and charity angina, for example, or to the need for that statement. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty S153


· Modern vocabulary

"He wrote," and enjoined request

"Charity" If the source of the best came Belhassen, which is classed as hasan by al-Shara and is working perfectly.

"Killers" broken gathered, the Commission and the situation.

"To limit the" annexation AZ said a knife, alone, Asthdha

"Blade" knife and slaughtered them, and decoded alone. (Adequate explanation Nawawi's Forty p. 117 118)


· Issues in this conversation:

1) Charity:

God bless him and said: Verily, Allah has decreed humanity in all things)

The definition of charity.

Is the best source says improves the charity comes in the sense: the delivery of benefit to others also comes ie mastery and proficiency thing. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty p. 154)

· The rule of charity?

What it is the duty of Kalahassan for the parents, and the wombs by what is happening and the relevant mainland due.

And some of it is representative Ksedkh volunteering and the like. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty p. 154)

Q / (God wrote the charity) What does the term writing?

Writing the word indicates that it is obligatory when more scholars and fundamentalists, and writing the word used in the Qur'an as is the duty.

((إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَّوْقُوتًا)النساء :103
(كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ) البقرة : 183

In this modern text on the necessity of charity in all things God has ordered it

((وَأَحْسِنُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ) البقرة :195)

It is required when you bring doing obligatory, and leave the taboo, and in the treatment of creation, and charity in which to come out on the very completeness, and maintains Literature corrected and complementary to it, if to do so before his work and many reward. (Adequate explanation Nawawi's Forty p. 118)


· Writing charity:

Saying peace be upon him said: {God wrote the charity)

Q / What is likely to write here in this conversation?

Writing likely be of two types

1 The writing is fatalism.

It means that by deal because things are on the charity, and God Almighty has inspired creatures charity.

2 The writing is legitimate.

Meaning shall be saying Peace be upon him charity on everything to be "on the" meaning "in" any books charity in everything.

The second / showed

And such talk (about Abdullah bin Masood may Allah be pleased with him, said: "I asked the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: Any love to God? He said:" Prayer offered on time "...) means at the time) (explain Nawawi's Forty Saleh Al-Sheikh Sheikh)



· Charity sections:

Q / What are the sections of charity?

1 charity be in worship.

Ie: charity to be a complement of Staff, duties and streaks.

2 charity in psychology.

That the improvement in your dealings with yourself that are duties and end all taboos, to be those who did not improve this charity was unjust to himself.

* Unjust to himself

Those who have committed some forbidden things or excessive in some duties.

3 charity in dealing with creation.

And this shall be the performance of the rights that the violence against them and not with them, for the believer to improve in his words and in his work and in his dealings with his Lord and with His creation. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)


2) charity in the murder.

Saying peace be upon him said: {If you kill, kill well)

Q / Mamni killers?

Murderers and angina Esrh: any body and meaning: do good body slaughter and body

The meaning is: do good body of slaughter and killing body with a sharp object.

Q / What does talk?

Talk shows to accelerate the loss of souls that is permitted to cause death easier faces. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty p. 155)

· Murder permissible.

Q / What is killing permissible?

The killing is permissible to be either in

1 project Jihad.

2 retribution or end of the limits of God.

1 project Jihad.

Is to kill the enemies in the battlefield jihad for God's sake, easiest and faces kill the infidel sword blow on the neck. (Adequate explanation Nawawi's Forty S118)

He says
 ((فَإِذَا لَقِيتُمُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فَضَرْبَ الرِّقَابِ)(محمد :4)

Q / tighter mutilation?

:( Modern prohibition of the Prophet, peace be upon him mutilation) Sahih Bukhari

They cut parts of the body, either before or after death.

How forbade the Prophet peace be upon him mutilation was jazz for Muslims to use their firearms and destructive artillery such as the treatment of the verse
(فَمَنِ اعْتَدَى عَلَيْكُمْ فَاعْتَدُوا عَلَيْهِ بِمِثْلِ مَا اعْتَدَى عَلَيْكُمْ)البقرة:194

Otherwise it is not permissible for them in any way that Etjhoa in their fight to the torture and mutilation as its goal, Islam rejects it and calls for charity in all things, especially human. (Adequate explanation Nawawi's Forty p. 119)

2) retribution killings. Killed with the sword

            Q / if the killing was retribution is it permissible representation Palmguets it?

            Palmguets representation may not be him, but killed with the sword. (Adequate explanation Nawawi's Forty S119)

Q / Magm if the killing was an end to the Kafr?

More scientists distaste mutilation also whether it was an original of Kafr mother of apostasy from Islam. (Adequate explanation Nawawi's Forty p. 119)


3) burning with fire.

Q / tighter burning fire?

Proven in Sahih Bukhari that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him authorized Balthariq fire then forbade him to have it confirmed compliance and commitment,

Talk ("No pains were tortured God Almighty) Sahih Bukhari

From Ibn Masood said we were with the Prophet, peace be upon him. We passed the village of ants have been burned angry Prophet, peace be upon him and said, "It should not be tortured humans pains of God Almighty." Arm in front of Ahmad and Abu Dawood and women.


4) charity in the slaughter.

God bless him and said: {If Zbhtm Vohassanoa angina, but limits any one blade and smell the sacrifice}.

Q / What are the Terms and Conditions and mustahabb which appeared in al-Shara at slaughter?

The following conditions:

1 to be sharp slaughter machine collapsed blood

 Interview (what rivers of blood and mentioned the name of God every, not age and nail) Bukhari 6/227 and 4/639 Narrated by Muslim

As well as the saying peace be upon him (and to limit any one blade) Narrated by Muslim, 4/622

2 cut the throat and esophagus

If Jeanne in as soon as one.

3 Label:

The verse:
 وَلاَ تَأْكُلُواْ مِمَّا لَمْ يُذْكَرِ ٱسْمُ ٱللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ...} المائدة :[121 

Modern :( what rivers of blood and mention the name of God, it is not every tooth and nail) Bukhari and Muslim, 4/639 6/226)

4 civil Almzki

 To be a Muslim, sane adult or a boy or a distinctive writing

He says :
:( وَطَعَامُ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ حِلٌّ لَّكُمْ)المائدة :5

5 code not limit in front of the carcass

Ibn Abbas: that a man wants to Oddja a sheep slaughtered, which limits the blade, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said to him: «Do you want to Tmitha Mutat, HLA set your code before Tddjaha». Horses in the series 24

Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh said:

The knife went into it not only shows the knife at slaughter as mustahabb that does not sacrifice slaughtered in the presence of another, and directs the carcass to the direction and called when the slaughter. (. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

       6) Not to cut any of them until slaughter

Sacrifice and die and not to exaggerate the slaughter. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty p. 157)

It is charity Vtsaq to the slaughter market companion said: Over the Prophet, peace be upon him, a man dragging a sheep her ear, he said: "Let her ear and take Bassafattha" above: Introduction neck .. (explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

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