الأحد، 12 أكتوبر 2014


Description of Hajj.

Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions

Day ischemia (which is the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah)

Q / Why called the day of ischemia?

Because people were previously Atruon water in it, because at that time Mona was not the water.

Bsaga water they are bracing for the Hajj in feelings on this day.

From the eighth day to the thirteenth day all the names:

VIII: Day perfusion.

The ninth: the day of Arafah.

X: Day of Sacrifice.

Atheist ten: day loan.

XII: Day Alinver first.

XIII: Alinver second day.

Q / When is it forbidden in this day (Day perfusion)?

Enacted that deprives before disappearing not required to be deprived of Mecca, but also deprived of his place in it, which is descending .haddat (out of apparent Alabtah Mecca and went down there, and entered ihraam people from this place) (Narrated by Bukhari 3/506 open, 8/165 and Muslim nuclear )

Q / Is it correct to advance ihraam day before ischemia?

It should not apply ihraam for the eighth day.

spend the night in Mina.

Spend the night in Mina on the ninth and pray Zuhr and Asr and Maghrib and Isha whole palace in Mona does not crowd

Because the Prophet peace be upon him did not gather in Mina, but in the collection of Arafa In Muzdalifah.

Q / Why was it called Mona?

Mona was named for the large number of blood where Maymany Mirac any of the blood.

Ninth Day (Day of Arafah).

1 / If the sun rises to Arafa and walked down the first Bnmrh

Q / Do you get off Bnmrh year or comfort?

Get off that year, it will descend to facilitate a well-known now, and some pilgrims descend therein. Interview: (hit him in the dome tiger) (Narrated by Ahmad, 6/187)

2 / descends to be wiped out of the sun, if the sun still rode the tiger to Arafa and then listens to the sermon.

Q / Is Arafat border known now?

Yes Arafat has its limits known in recent years, contrary to what many people in the position and would stand outside the boundaries of Arafah, the Saudi government has made clear signs by a large margin.

Q / Is standing in the belly of Haj Arna?

No, because the Prophet peace be upon him (all Arafa position, and lift up from the belly of Arna) (Narrated by Ahmad, 4/82)

It is not permissible to stand up and stop the Vhjh is not true, because this is not legally Arafa.

It is Sunnah that combines Zuhr and Asr collection offering.

Q / Do you want to stand Arafah stand on the feet?

Stand to be staying, do not stand on its feet.

Q / If that did not come down Haj in Mina on the eighth day, and went to knew Rasa Is true pilgrimage?

Yes true pilgrimage.

3 / parking Arafah to be a trend direction because all the best acts of worship to receive direction

* The issue of the rise of the mountain.

1 If ascended e adoration Vsaudh forbidden because fad

2 If Saada Tafrja, this is permissible unless a model emulated by the people shall be prohibited.

3 If Saada guidance to the ignorant Vsaudh projects.

4 / and a lot of prayer.

Because the Prophet peace be upon him :( Better pray a prayer day of Arafah and the best I Maglt and the prophets before me there is no god but Allah ......)



Q / Do you want to stand Arafah stand on the feet?

Stand to be staying, do not stand on its feet.

Q / If that did not come down Haj in Mina on the eighth day, and went to knew Rasa Is true pilgrimage?

Yes true pilgrimage

Q / Is it better to Idaokl one that makes himself or imam Idaolhm?

Better every man for himself calls.

Q / Magm if push ever known before sunset?

If he have deliberately offending blood.

But if he is ignorant and pay before sunset and told him not to be returned, even after sunset, it is not the blood.

Q / Magm of Arafah to stop for the night Is it correct or not?

Of Arafa did not come to until after sunset, it is sufficient for him to publicly talk: (has to stop before it Arafah day or night has been spent pilgrimage and puff).



stay overnight in Muzdalifah

Pay after sunset to Muzdalifah knife, because the Prophet peace be upon him pay with a knife.

Before it was people jeered if rushed, and accelerate his face, because the routes and rugged, and the night has brought down the Bzlamh They were keen to speed for the initiative time.

* Combines Maghrib and Isha prayers delay.

Q / Magm if peace Morocco and dinner on the way before reaching Muzdalifah?

Prayer is valid, a pan-talk (and made ​​me land a mosque and pure) and this is true.

Q / Why The Prophet peace be upon him Osama (prayer in front of you)?

Face it. If you stop to pray to stop people even stopped in this place and Homusharibon to Muzdalifah to pray for the hardship in that they probably can not afford, it was the gift of gentleness and peace facilitation.

Q / B Magm in Muzdalifah?

Disagreement among scientists:

Right: it is the duty of forcing blood.

Q / How long drives from Muzdalifah?

His payment after midnight

Guide: that the Prophet peace be upon him (authorized for the weak have to pay for the night of Muzdalifah) (Narrated by Bukhari 2/178 in the Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage (1291))

If halfway through the night has been more night in Muzdalifah, and if he spent most of the night, that is fine.

Q / Magm if you pay before midnight?

It's blood because he left duty, and this blood Gibran charity by the poor in Makkah.

Q / Magm if arrived at Muzdalifah after dawn?

Knowing the blood, because he did not spend it.


* If you pay before midnight, he's blood.

* If you pay after midnight there is something to it.

* If you came to Muzdalifah after dawn, he's blood.

Q / payment on the last night you respect the people excuses or is the year?

Disagreement between scientists and correct:

Sheikh Mohammed says'Uthaymeen:

It is not obligatory to keep to the dawn prayer, especially in these times with the large number of people and hustle and hardship.

But the best:

That remains to dawn to pray, and the result is very, then goes out. (Explanation fun on Zaad Sheikh Mohammed'Uthaymeen 7/345)

Hairy Sacred.

Q / What is the Sacred Hairy?

Is a small mountain known in Muzdalifah and it Mosque (Mosque Muzdalifah) after the Prophet peace be upon him waxing hairy Sacred passengers came and said: (and here is stood up and collect the whole attitude) any collection: Muzdalifah.

Q / Why was it called the collection?

Because people in ignorance where they meet all of them, and Arafat does not meet the Quraish with others because they stand in Muzdalifah do not go out to Arafa, became known collectively as they gathered all people.

Q / Why the Sacred Hairy describe it?

Because there Mhara solver which Arafat.

Hairy and haram Muzdalifah and description haraam because it within the confines of the campus.

Q / What does the Haj when the Grand hairy?

Stand with him and praise God and his senior, agrees with his hands to God that result in a very waxing future direction.

The Almighty said:
فاذكروا الله عند المشعر الحرام )( البقرة :197)

After that result in the morning and people see each other go before the sun rises.

If you hit the valley Mahsr faster the reason for this?


Sayings including:

Faster because God decimated the elephant owners, because the project if a person over the territory of doom faster.

(Do not enter upon those suffering, but a, you are weeping that befall you Masabhm)

throw anthrax.

Q / where to take the gravel?

Of the year: that the Prophet peace when taking gravel from anthrax. Because: (Ibn Abbas ordered him to Alqt gravel he says to him: for the likes of these Varmoa) (Narrated by Ahmad, 1/268)

Q / Magm taking pebbles from Muzdalifah when?

Is not desirable, but Asthabh some applicants for start throwing embers of Aqaba, while up to Mona.

Q / Is it essential to wash the gravel?

Is not required and that the proper washing of heresy, because the Prophet peace be upon him did not wash it.

Q / What is how to take the gravel and how many?

The right to take gravel every day in the way of his day as he was going to anthrax.

Q / Mahjm gravel required?

It is the largest of chickpeas and without nuts.

Day of Sacrifice (Eid day).

Q / What is he doing in the Day of Sacrifice?

1 slaying a gift if it gave him Abla cattle or sheep say: slay, was not with him the guidance he went and bought from the market and his throat.

2 short or shave all of his hair, throat better, because the Prophet peace be upon him: (Mahgayn called for three times and failing) (Narrated by Bukhari (1728) and Muslim (1302))

The default is bound to shorten all of his head.

Q / Makevih shorten the mirror?

Confine women as much as any one iota braids stuck her head or limbs and cut as much as one inch. The amount of (2) cm approx.

3 after chucking, and Sacrifice, and throat or default solution has everything except women.

Q / km throwing a pebble?

Seven pebbles follow the example of the Prophet peace be upon him.

Q / Makevih chucking?

Mtaakabbat thrown one after the other.

Q / Magm if put gravel situation?

It is not sufficient to be chucking.

Q / Do you throw stones succession or sporadic?

May be thrown succession or sporadic, but the worship of one consisting of a number to be consecutive.

Q / Are you calling after throwing anthrax?

It does not stand to go out Almnhr as did the Prophet peace be upon him. (Narrated by Muslim (1218)

Q / Do you continue to Talbiyah?

Talbiyah cut before (still meets even threw a cinder Aqaba) (Narrated by Bukhari (1670) and Muslim (1281)

Ath has proceeded to another male, a zoom.

Q / How long throws?

Best: to throw after sunrise of the Day of Sacrifice, and the reward after midnight the night of Sacrifice and it never reward for strong and weak, male and female.

Q / Magm who are preoccupied with the public interests of soldiers and other security if left B & Okhro chucking?

They may be left overnight in Mina and stoning to retard the last day.

Q / Magm of chucking can not never?

  The first to say:

Down with him because chucking chucking duty and the duty falls helpless about them.

The second view:

If it is eaten and the inability Istnab used as evidence that the pilgrimage may be in warrant Association when infirm In the first part.

Right "to say the second (explained in the book pilgrimage from achieving Sheikh Mohammed'Uthaymeen God's mercy.)

Q / Do I need to throw three stones for himself first and then return to the first who Astnabp?

Disagreement among scholars.

Reality: It is intended that man for himself and Maklh in Ann Ahd.zkr Sheikh Saadi, Ibn Baz, Ibn Uthaymeen mercy of God. (Explained in the book pilgrimage from achieving Sheikh Mohammed'Uthaymeen God's mercy

Q / Do you need to throw a person based column?

Do not even meant to be located in the pelvis, both struck in the column or not.

Q / What to say when all the throws?

Grows with each pebble, to know the wisdom of throwing stones.

Interview: (but make circumambulation House in Safa and Marwa and throw stones to establish the remembrance of God)

Wisdom: establish the remembrance of God, and to maximize the God Almighty, and complete devotion.



Enacted, because the Prophet (PBUH) went to great lengths to in the forenoon of the Day of Sacrifice.

Q / Is it permissible for him to delay?

Right: it is not permissible for him to delay for the month of Dhu al-Hijjah, but if there is a disease can not excuse him not walking circumambulation not portable.

As if not excuse, it is not permissible for him to delay it, but you must take the initiative before the end of the argument.

Q / Do I have to go around on the day of the feast?

Enacts his feast day, and has delayed, and remains on the dissolved if the first ifaadah last day of Eid.


* Seeks to between enjoys that he has Toavan and Saian.

Q / Magm of not seeking Cruising come with?

It restores the pursuit because the interface and singular permissible for them to submit the pursuit of Hajj after Tawaf come and he may delay.


That offers promise Cruising quest to come, because the Prophet peace be upon him his foot.

* Solves everything, even his women.

Zamzam water.

Drink Zamzam water and Atdila (ie, dictated to his abdomen until it is filled between the ribs) of this water because this water is better.

Interview: (The verse between people of faith and hypocrisy drinking one's fill of Zamzam water) (Narrated by Ibn Majah (1017) and said Busayri (attributed correctly))

After drinking Zamzam water Idaubma reported. (Say: In the name of God, Oh God, make it a useful note to us and they had a wide, and Rhea, and healing every disease, and wash out my heart and fill it from Khchitk)


Farewell Tawaf

If he wants to get out of Mecca did not come out until roams the farewell.

Because Ibn Abbas: (ordered people to be the last reign House, but it made ​​for menstruating women) (Narrated by Bukhari 2/195 in the pilgrimage, Hajj and Muslim (1327))

Q / Magm If cruised to say goodbye and then went out to when and threw stones and then left?

This line is ignorance upon re-circumnavigation.

Q / Magm if Rebecca Wait?

Does not have to re-albeit a long time.

Q / Magm if the supernatant and then bought and sold for trade?

It restores circumnavigation.

Q / Magm if Haga bought or sold on the way or need gifts for his family do not trade?

Nothing wrong with that we want to be purchased before the circumnavigation.

Q / Is it necessary for a menstruating woman to come back after cleared?

She does not have.

Q / Is it necessary for the pilgrim to leave because of that and cruising?


Back to incision and did not return it blood or sinner

Did not shove back and did not return, he spit out blood and sin because he purposely left the duty. (Explanation fun on Zaad Sheikh Mohammed'Uthaymeen 7/399)

Q / Do you fall on menstruating ifaadah?

Disagreement among scholars.

But Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah:

It can not be traced and can not be one that waits In this case Taatljm any place diaper on her vagina floating around and be here tawaaf of necessity but if they are in regions of the Kingdom and can be traced back Feltrdja. (Comments on the Book of Hajj of Sahih Muslim Mohammed'Uthaymeen God's mercy)

Q / Is it right for a person who is in debt or premiums that the obligatory pilgrimage to spend?

The grace of God is true to the man who is in debt Maalih pilgrimage originally.

Based on this, if it is safe from the same solution if the premium has Maeoffa him and he has money he can perform Hajj Fleihj,

As if that is not the pilgrimage. (Comments on the Book of Sahih Muslim Hajj Mohammed'Uthaymeen God's mercy)

Q / Do measured on a menstruating woman who drops her farewell Tawaf measured by bleeding following childbirth?

Otherwise: but the audience: they see that Kalhaúd bleeding following childbirth do not roam the house, and responding to talk that door Alnglab. (Explained in the book pilgrimage from achieving Sheikh Mohammed'Uthaymeen God's mercy.)

Q / Magm if bought or lunch or supper, which may tawaaf Allowada?

This stuff does not harm the light.

Q / Fall Tour of farewell for a menstruating woman to a legitimate excuse you catch excuse sensory legitimate excuse? As if human patients?

Not because the Prophet peace be upon him, said Lam Salamah: a sick Toffee behind people and you rider) did not fall, this disease, if the man impotent it holds, even if we assume that he can not drive here say fall because of this excuse can not be with him act Kalehid. (explanation Book pilgrimage from achieving Sheikh Mohammed'Uthaymeen God's mercy.)

May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions


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