الجمعة، 6 نوفمبر 2015

The first talk of nuclear fortieth
Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions

The first modern (but business intentions)

For the faithful Abu Hafs Omar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and says: {but

Business intentions, but each man that which he intended, it had emigrated to Allah and His Messenger Vahjrth to Allah and His Messenger, and the immigrant

To get a minimum or a woman to marry Vahjrth immigrated to him}. Narrated by Imam modernists: Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin invasive Bukhari. And Hussein Abu Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj bin

Muslim Qushayri Alnisabure in their hadiths, which are the healthiest seed books.

A) the status of the modern.

 This principal modern Imam Ahmad has said three conversations going on by Islam:

 1 modern age (Actions are but by intentions)

 2 modern Aisha (of the latest in hurry This is what is not part of it)

 3 and an interview with al-Nu'man (between muslim and Haram between, and similarities between the two things) (explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh.)

He said a group of scientists:

 Recommended for scientists that works Tsfh this talk and those who began in the first book: Imam Abdullah Bukhari. (Explain nuclear forty before the Son of Daqeeq S8)


Reason to talk.

 People talk because of coordination immigrant Umm Qais?

People thought that talk of coordination because of a man wanted to marry a woman is said to have Umm Qais, he migrated for that and they quoted the following: Aloamc word :( P .... it was in us man speeches woman said to her: Umm Qais and she refuses to marry him until migrate migrated Wiczugea we used to call immigrant Umm Qais)

 Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: (and this is true on the assignment of two sheikhs condition, but it is not that modern business were driven because of that, did not I see something in ways that require permission to do so) (Fath al-Baari tenth)



modern vocabulary.

  "But" inventory tool

 "Intentions" collection faith, which is in the language: intent. Convention: the intent is already associated.

 "Man" man man or woman.

 "Migration" Migration: language: Turk, legitimately: the paradox of Dar al-Kufr to Dar al-Islam fear of sedition.

 What is meant by this talk: the transition from Mecca and others to the city before the conquest of Mecca.

 "God" to replace the satisfaction faith and intentionally.

 "Vahjrth to Allah and His Messenger" acceptance penalty.

 "To get a minimum" for the purpose of worldly wants collected. (Book adequately explain Nawawi's Forty d / Mustafa Mohiuddin Albga and S12)


* Issues in this talk.

1) Business.

Q / saying peace be upon him: (Actions are but by intentions) Is there any words other than this word?

Yes Lourdes Other words but the meaning somebody recounted in the right (but work intention) and Roy (Actions are but by intention) (explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

Q / Is the meaning of saying peace be upon him (Actions are but by intentions) Business all acts and words or acts only?

Modern includes all acts of prey acts and words

Because some dedicated work, including word and not be in it after this as the son of an accurate feast.

Son of Abbas: see the work of say as in the interpretation of
 " لَعَلِّي أَعْمَلُ صَالِحاً فِيمَا تَرَكْتُ"  سورة المؤمنون :100 "

It's saying no god but Allah) (book of rules and benefits of nuclear forty-Sheikh Nazim Sultan p. 26)

Q / Is it necessary to leave work intention?

 Leaving the evil to God, to be rewarded for quitting, though good to be left without an excuse is to blame the evil, and witness the words of God Almighty (Abdi if he wanted to say to the bad work if left for me well) Vaktoppea (see Bukhari Open 13 / 465)

 If understood and did not leave for God, not written well, but left for fear of sinning.

 · Turk but are excluded from some of the work as among scientists.

 Such as: remove impurities, responded Alamadmonat (and returns grievances), they validity of the faith do not stop, but the reward depends on the intention to draw closer) (book of rules and benefits of nuclear forty-Sheikh Nazim Sultan S2627)

Q / Is if you have worked and did not require intent Is this true?

Reality: The intention is a condition for the health of the work. (Book of rules and benefits of nuclear forty-Sheikh Nazim Sultan S2627)

Q / Magm if he intends to act but to prevent him a legitimate excuse?

Nuclei of something happening to him whether his work, or prevented him blocker excused him religiously (but each man that which he intended) and see so many conversations, who intends to reward he does not, including:

Interview (the man of God Attah money and note he is working with his knowledge in his money; spend it in the right, and a man to whom God note and did not Aath money and he says: If it were me like this worked it so that understanding in both wage work) (Narrated by Ibn Majah / 4228 and Ahmed 4/23) (book of rules and benefits of nuclear forty-Sheikh Nazim Sultan S27)


2 intention.

Q / What definition of faith?

In the language: the intention was used in the sense intended, and used faith as well as the sense of thing meant to him, and used the sense of faith determined. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty-Sheikh Nazim Sultan S29)

In Shara: Shara did not put the intention of its own definition and put her own definition differs from the meaning of the language were not a strong argument based on them as that between Dr. Omar Al-Ashqar. (In his book purposes in charge of S34)

Q / What distinguishes faith?

Intention distinguish two things:

1) a distinction worship habits.

* Fasting requires faith, Valamsak eating a father-of Ttabb.

* It may be the inability to eat, and may be left to the desires of God Almighty.

* As well as the need to wash the impurity faith, even characterized by the cooling of the washing and cleaning.

B distinguish worship from each other.

 * Prayer in need of faith, so distinct from other Fasts.

 * And fasting imposition of it, and the imposition of it and vow Ramadan fasting and penance.

 Fasts of it as fast day of Arafa and Ashura and fasting on Mondays and Thursdays.

 * Charity, including imposition and expiation and Fasts, has to be the intention of even characterized.

 2) characterize the intended work.

 Is it God Almighty alone, or with others,

 This is the intention that fought their behavior scientists (Almtbaan not heretics of Sufis and others

 Therefore Class Abu Bakr bin Abi minimum classified called (Book sincerity and intention) (rules and benefits of nuclear forty-Sheikh Nazim Sultan S2829)

This talk covers the two types of faith.

A) The vector of worship (Actions are but by intentions)

B) vector for Idol (but each man what nuclei) (explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh.)

Q / What is the time of faith and misplaced?

* Time intention. The first worship, pray Ktkberh Ihram and Ihram for Hajj, and the intention of fasting is sufficient to indigestion before dawn control.

* Replace intention .kulb not required uttered (Book adequate in explaining the forty nuclear d. Albga and Mustafa Mohiuddin planar .s13)

Q / tighter manifest intention?

Reprehensible innovation, because it has not been proven in the Book of Allah, nor in the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him evidence that the legitimacy. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty-Sheikh Nazim Sultan S31)

Q / How is the requirement of faith in worship?

Faith in the landing of worship. Such as prayer, fasting and pilgrimage, the corner of the corners but it is not valid

What it means. Kalodu and washing

Tap said: Kamal is a condition where to collect the reward

The Shafi'i and others: health condition is also not valid means, but it (the book adequate in explaining the forty nuclear d. Albga and Mustafa Mohiuddin planar .s13)

Likely: that the intention is a condition in accepting the business. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty-Sheikh Nazim Sultan S27)

chose a good intention on permissible.

Q / What is permissible?

Scientists know permissible assets:

Is the one who does it will not be rewarded or penalized leaving, and have to do and leave it the same. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty-Sheikh Nazim Sultan S32)

Q / How is the requirement of faith in worship?

 Faith in the landing of worship. Such as prayer, fasting and pilgrimage, the corner of the corners but it is not valid

 What it means. Kalodu and washing

 Tap said: Kamal is a condition where to collect the reward

 The Shafi'i and others: health condition is also not valid means, but it (the book adequate in explaining the forty nuclear d'Alba and Mustafa Mohiuddin planar .s13)

 Likely: that the intention is a condition in accepting the business. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty-Sheikh Nazim Sultan S27)

 chose a good intention on permissible.

 Q / What is permissible?

 Scientists know permissible assets:

Is the one who does it will not be rewarded or penalized leaving, and have to do and leave it the same. (Rules and benefits of nuclear forty-Sheikh Nazim Sultan S32)

Pray God's peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions


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