Modern VI (removed from the citizen suspicions)
Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of
Allah and on his family and companions.
the talk.
Abu Abdullah al-Nu'man bin Bashir, may Allah be pleased with him: I heard
the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him says: (The muslim between, although
the Sacred among and between them things Mstbhatt not Aalmhn many people, it is
fearing suspicions have Aestbro of religion and honor, and signed in suspicions
took place in the Grand Kalrai sponsors about the fever is about to fall in.
Although not every king fever. If not God protect female kin, although not in
the flesh if it is sound Magistrate embryo whole body and if corrupt the whole
body, namely the heart) Bukhari and Muslim
Modern status:
Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh said:
An interview with al-Nu'man bin Bashir promised one-third of the debt, or
a quarter of religion scholars, Imam Ahmad said (sayings of Islam spin on three
conversations. Modern age (Actions are but by intentions) and Aisha (the latest
in a hurry ..) and an interview with al-Nu'man bin Bashir (that muslim between
.. .) indicates that things divided between Halal and haram between the
suspect) (explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh
· Modern vocabulary:
"Between" Zahir, the text of which Allah and His
Messenger, or Muslims are agreed on the analysis of a particular or specific
"Mstbhatt" gathering suspect, a problem because it is a
lack of clarity in the solution and privacy.
"I do not Aalmhn" does
not know its ruling, the conflict of evidence
"Fearing suspicions:"
Stay away it.
"Aestbro of religion and
honor," the patent application or obtained for submission of the appeal,
and religion of the shortfall.
"Sign the suspicions" Ajtro to fall into the suspicions.
"Fever" Protected: It is forbidden to non-owner.
"Nearing" or nearly
"Prey to the" cattle that eat it and evaluate it.
"Mahram" sins that God campus.
"Chew" a piece of meat as much as you chewed in the
mouth. (Adequate explanation Nawawi's Forty p. 36)
· Issues in the modern:
1) Halal and Haram purely
Q) in this modern three provisions of What?
Halal between 1 and clearly not a suspicion.
Such as: eat meat, bread, drink water ...... and others.
2 haram between clear and suspicion in it.
Such as: the sanctity of adultery, theft, .... and others.
3 suspected no one knows a lot of people, but
they teach him some scientists Viarafon the text of its ruling or measure.
(Such as eating crocodile meat, meat Alsnjam, wearing animal skins .....)
·· Leaving suspicions of piety.
Such as: lack of money in the treatment of human being compromised or
mixer money usury. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)
It did not die Peace be upon him, even among his nation to what God has
permitted and forbidden them
He said peace be upon him :( I've left you on the night is like the white
path that is clear not only deviates after me about Hulk) (true carrot for the
Albany 58)
And the statement in no man's land and muslim partly showed some, there
are other things information from religion necessarily, to arise and Achtharha,
and this no one is excused for his ignorance live between dorsolateral Muslims,
and there are things known only to campaign law, and well known to the majority
of ordinary Muslims. (Rules and benefits of nuclear fortieth / Nazim Sultan S82)
2) Almstbhatt.
Q / What is the meaning Almstbhatt?
Almstbhatt: Collect the suspect, a problem for the lack of clarity in the
solution and privacy.
Nawawi said:
Its meaning: it is not by Clear solution and privacy so I do not know
many people, and the scientists Viarafon rule text or measure, if frequency
thing between the solution and privacy, was not text and consensus
painstakingly industrious, Volhakh one of them forensic evidence) (adequate in
explaining the forty p. 32
Examples of suspicion.
1 Scientists said the world opposed to legal, and another said
haram shootout did not know ... This suspicion.
2 hated because it is AC between the permissible and the Sacred
Some of the Salaf said.
Hated heel between a person and the Sacred. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh
Saleh Al-Sheikh)
· Position of the people of Like.
1) Some of them left in order to please God and the sinfulness
of avoided
They asked for the safety of their religion, and disavowal of the
symptoms of the appeal.
To the symptoms of the collection offer a subject of praise and
vilification of human, may be sometimes the same and sometimes in his family,
and this is the meaning of saying peace be upon him, "it is fearing
suspicions have Aestbro of religion and honor" (rules and benefits of
nuclear fortieth / Nazim Sultan p. 85)
2) and some of them located in the like-is similar in terms of
when people are not with him, and it became clear to his judgment in the case,
it does not nothing wrong with him in hindsight but to let him in order to
preserve the view from the people, that is fine and Mamdouh
And bears witness to that peace be upon him saying those visions standing
with descriptive said (the shy girl she Rslkma descriptive ") (abbreviated
S465 Bukhari / Muslim Mkhnasr 1437 p. 378)
3) and some of them located in the like-with him it was
suspected followers of whims, this is his judgment that took place in the no
man's land.
He also said God's peace be upon him (and signed in the suspicions took
place in the no man's land) (true Whole No. 3188)
· Q / What scientists interpreted to fall into the no man's land?
Scientists interpreted in two senses:
1 to be committed to the semi with the belief they are almost, an excuse to
fall into the no man's land and it gradually, tolerance, and this testifies to
him saying peace be upon him (and Ajtro on what there is doubt of sin, is about
to intercourse with what Esteban) (Bukhari book sales 3/4)
The two of the oldest on the suspect what he does not know he has it the
Halal or Haram, it is not safe to be prohibited in the Grand Faisadf same thing
he does not know is haram) (Collector science and governance S69
Q / What is the tighter of Like?
Hafiz Ibn Hajar said:
Differed concerning the ruling suspicions, and was told a prohibition
payoff, and was told hatred, and was told Waqf) (Fath Al-Bari 1/135)
The correct view is to say that like-hated
Neka Hafiz as some scientists say is close to the right and God knows
best. (Rules and benefits of nuclear fortieth / Nazim Sultan p. 86)
· Sheikh Saleh Al-Shaikh said.
The large fall in Abominations is located in the no man's land. ((Explain
nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)
· Statements of the predecessor to leave the suspicions.
Abu Darda said.
Tamam piety slave to fear God even whit of fear Him, and while leaving
some of what he sees Halal fear to be haram.
Hasan al-Basri said.
Balmottagan even piety still left a lot of muslim fear no man. (Explain
nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)
3) away from the tissues of God Almighty.
Saying peace be upon him (Kalrai sponsors about the fever is about to
fall in it)
Q / What is the meaning of fever?
Is Protected is banned Muharram is the owner and what was said is
protected by the Caliph or his deputy, of terra nullius to the beasts of the
Mujahideen and prevent third parties, it ((adequate in explaining the forty p.
· Say Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh.
Such as the Prophet, peace be upon him, which is located in the
suspicions sponsor grazing download fever is about.
And fever are: the land, which is located in the suspicions sponsor
sponsors download fever is about.
And fever are: land protected forbidden to approach Arabs were
in ignorance of their kings protect their lands for their livestock to the most
fertile land Vinzeron Faihmunha?
And vows no one takes care of the cattle without their ear
And to be here to talk
· Fever are: taboo
takes care of about fever are: suspicions. (Explain nuclear forty-Sheikh Saleh
It takes care of his sheep near this milled fever it is not safe to eat
his cattle from him, and thus expose himself to liability before the sultans of
the earth. (Rules and benefits of nuclear fortieth / Nazim Sultan p. 87)
Ibn Rajab said.
(In this reference to Onha
spacing should be taboo and that makes for human barrier between them)
4) Heart Amir body.
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him (although not in the flesh if it
is sound Magistrate embryo whole body and if corrupt the whole body, namely the
Q / What is the reason for naming the heart?
Hafiz said:
1 named after a heart to heart variability
in matters
2 or sincere because it is in the body and sincere everything
his heart
3 or because it is in the body upside
down. (Fath 1/137)
It seems that the first and second sense are close right Shortly after
the final. (Rules and benefits of nuclear fortieth / Nazim Sultan p. 87)
Q / What is the reason for interest in the heart?
Because human understands things done and witness to this saying
(إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَذِكْرَى لِمَنْ كَانَ لَهُ قَلْبٌ)(ق: 37)
(وَلَقَدْ ذَرَأْنَا لِجَهَنَّمَ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ ۖ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لَّا يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا)(الاعراف: 179)
(إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَذِكْرَى لِمَنْ كَانَ لَهُ قَلْبٌ)(ق: 37)
(وَلَقَدْ ذَرَأْنَا لِجَهَنَّمَ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ ۖ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لَّا يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا)(الاعراف: 179)
Commentators said:
Any mind and expressed heart because it is the stability.
Hafiz said:
Singled heart this because Prince of the body, and the goodness of Prince
serve the parish, and the corruption of spoil. (Fath 1/137)
Do you get sick of heart?
He says
(أَفِي قُلُوبِهِمْ مَرَضٌ أَمِ ارْتَابُوا)النور :50
(فِي قُلُوبِهِم مَّرَضٌ فَزَادَهُمُ اللَّهُ مَرَضًا ۖ)البقرة : 10
(فِي قُلُوبِهِم مَّرَضٌ فَزَادَهُمُ اللَّهُ مَرَضًا ۖ)البقرة : 10
These verses answer that hearts may get sick
Q / What to Murad heart disease?
We are what get it from the verge of hypocrisy and Kafr, and the large
and cruelty and hatred and envy. (Rules and benefits of nuclear fortieth /
Nazim Sultan p. 88)
Q / What is the proper heart?
Ibn Rajab said:
Salem is the proper heart of the lesions are all abominations.
It is the heart that only God's love and not fear, and fear of what
spaces it. (Mosque science and governance of Ibn Rajab)
· Salah hearts.
Shafei said God's mercy.
The goodness of
heart in five things:
1 read the Qur'an with reflection.
2 for the night.
3 supplication when magic
4 Babysitting righteous.
Hasan al-Basri said:
(Dow your heart; God, the need for slaves goodness of their hearts)
And necessary Salah Salah heart movements of prey movements, if the heart
is not only valid when the will of God and what he wants will not emit prey
except God wants (Mosque science and governance of Ibn Rajab, p 6566)
Blessings and peace
upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions
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