Explanation of Amma (Surat An-Naba) (1)
1) Great news
In the Almighty
(عَمَّ يَتَسَآءَلُونَ * عَنِ النَّبَإِ الْعَظِيمِ * الَّذِى هُمْ فِيهِ مُخْتَلِفُونَ * كَلاَّ سَيَعْلَمُونَ * ثُمَّ كَلاَّ سَيَعْلَمُونَ *)النبأ(1ـ5)
Ibn Katheer said:
This is the great news, which means the enormous and terrible news that Qatada and Ibn Zayd said.
Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen said:
This news is what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said of the evidence and guidance, especially the news of the last day, the Baath and the parts.
A: Some of them believe in it and sincerity
- And some of them doubt and hesitation
- Some of them disbelieve and lie
God shows that those who have lied will know what they have lied about with certainty. If they see the Day of Resurrection, the day of his interpretation comes, those who have forgotten him will come before the true apostles of our Lord. (Precious interpretation of Sheikh
Mohammed Al-Othaimeen 10 / 405-406)
2) Yes, God is on His servants.
1 says
(الاْرْضَ مِهَداً )..
That is to say, God made the earth a paving for creation, not in the solidness that they could not plow, and to walk on only with difficulty, and not in the soft, soft, which they do not benefit from, and do not settle in, but it is paved for them according to their interests and according to what they benefit from. (Precious interpretation of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Othaimeen 10/406)
2 and the Almighty
(وَالْجِبَالَ أَوْتَاداً ).).
Ie: make it her pegs established by the established and decided so I lived and did not disturb them. (Interpretation of Ibn Katheer
3 and the Almighty(وَخَلَقْنَكُمْ أَزْوَجاً)
Any varieties between male and female, and small and large, black and red, and naughty and happy to other people in which they differ, they are different pairs according to what God Almighty and his wisdom necessitated to consider people the power of God, and that he is able to make this human beings who created Of one substance and one father on these varied varieties. (Precious interpretation of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Othaimeen 10/406)
4 and the Almighty (وَجَعَلْنَا نَوْمَكُمْ سُبَاتاً))
Any interruption of fatigue, sleep interrupts the previous fatigue, and seek new human activity for the future, and therefore find the man if tired then sleep rested and renewed activity, and this of grace, which is also a sign of God. (Precious interpretation of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Othaimeen 10/406)
5 and the Almighty(وَجَعَلْنَا الَّيْلَ لِبَاساً)
That is, God made this night on the ground as a dress, as if the earth wears it and be the robes of it, and this is known only to the person who ascended above the shadow of the earth, and we have seen this from the wonderful verses if you went up in the plane and rose and the sun was absent from the surface of the earth and then the sun turned out to you To rise you find the ground as if you dressed in black. (Precious interpretation of Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen 10/406)
6 and the Almighty(وَجَعَلْنَا النَّهَارَ مَعَاشاً ))
That is, we have made it bright and shining so that people can dispose of it, go and come to the pension, earn, trade and so on. (Interpretation of Ibn Katheer 4/463)
7 and the Almighty(وَبَنَيْنَا فَوْقَكُمْ سَبْعاً شِدَاداً)
They are the seven heavens, described by God Almighty because they are strong. (Precious interpretation of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Othaimeen 10/406)
8 and the Almighty(وَجَعَلْنَا سِرَاجاً وَهَّاجاً)
That means the sun is a luminous lamp, it is also a great heat. And its heat in the days of summer heat with the overwhelming distance from the earth, what do you think of it, then it is in the days of heat in the heat of the heat of the hell of hell,
* As the Prophet (PBUH) said:
“If the heat intensifies, then they are cooled by prayer, the intensity of the heat is from the inferno of hell” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, Book of Prayer Times, The Door of Cooling at Back in Extreme Heat (536).
* PBUH said:
“The fire complained to God and she said,“ Lord, eat one another, and let her have two souls, a breath in the winter, and a breath in the summer. Creation, the door of the adjective of fire and it is created (3620).
* However, it is a great interest of creation
A) It saves the creation of great money in the time of day where people dispense with them to turn on the lights
B) The energy from which they are extracted has many benefits.
C) As well as the ripening of fruits and this many of the many benefits of this lamp that Allah Almighty has made for His servants. (Precious interpretation of Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen 10/407)
9 and the Almighty
(وَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ الْمُعْصِرَاتِ مَآءً ثَجَّاجاً * لِّنُخْرِجَ بِهِ حَبّاً وَنَبَاتاً)
- And the Almighty
(وَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ الْمُعْصِرَاتِ )
Means from the clouds, and described by God as the presses as if squeezing this rain when it comes down in the afternoon, as squeezing the dress, this water permeates this cloud and out of it as the water comes out of the pressed,
- And the Almighty{ماء ثجَّاجاً}
Any lot of snow means pouring down the flow and that Ghazarth and strength even tells the earth.
- And the Almighty{لنخرج به}
That is, let us go out with this water that came down from heaven to earth.
- And the Almighty{حبًّا ونباتاً}
The land sprouted and God comes out of love with all its varieties and types of land, barley, corn and others. And the plant of fruits like two grapes and the like. (Precious interpretation of Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen 10/407)
10 and the Almighty(وَجَنَّاتٍ أَلْفَافًا)
Any orchards wrapped together to each other, from abundance, good and splendor so that they cover up for their abundance, and wrap each other, which trees have a stalk, so out of this water Alchgaj planted, palms, grapes and others whether it came out directly or out of it by extracting water from the soles Earth. (Precious interpretation of Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen 10/407)
May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions
1) Great news
In the Almighty
(عَمَّ يَتَسَآءَلُونَ * عَنِ النَّبَإِ الْعَظِيمِ * الَّذِى هُمْ فِيهِ مُخْتَلِفُونَ * كَلاَّ سَيَعْلَمُونَ * ثُمَّ كَلاَّ سَيَعْلَمُونَ *)النبأ(1ـ5)
Ibn Katheer said:
This is the great news, which means the enormous and terrible news that Qatada and Ibn Zayd said.
Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen said:
This news is what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said of the evidence and guidance, especially the news of the last day, the Baath and the parts.
A: Some of them believe in it and sincerity
- And some of them doubt and hesitation
- Some of them disbelieve and lie
God shows that those who have lied will know what they have lied about with certainty. If they see the Day of Resurrection, the day of his interpretation comes, those who have forgotten him will come before the true apostles of our Lord. (Precious interpretation of Sheikh
Mohammed Al-Othaimeen 10 / 405-406)
1 says
(الاْرْضَ مِهَداً )..
That is to say, God made the earth a paving for creation, not in the solidness that they could not plow, and to walk on only with difficulty, and not in the soft, soft, which they do not benefit from, and do not settle in, but it is paved for them according to their interests and according to what they benefit from. (Precious interpretation of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Othaimeen 10/406)
2 and the Almighty
(وَالْجِبَالَ أَوْتَاداً ).).
Ie: make it her pegs established by the established and decided so I lived and did not disturb them. (Interpretation of Ibn Katheer
3 and the Almighty(وَخَلَقْنَكُمْ أَزْوَجاً)
Any varieties between male and female, and small and large, black and red, and naughty and happy to other people in which they differ, they are different pairs according to what God Almighty and his wisdom necessitated to consider people the power of God, and that he is able to make this human beings who created Of one substance and one father on these varied varieties. (Precious interpretation of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Othaimeen 10/406)
4 and the Almighty (وَجَعَلْنَا نَوْمَكُمْ سُبَاتاً))
Any interruption of fatigue, sleep interrupts the previous fatigue, and seek new human activity for the future, and therefore find the man if tired then sleep rested and renewed activity, and this of grace, which is also a sign of God. (Precious interpretation of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Othaimeen 10/406)
5 and the Almighty(وَجَعَلْنَا الَّيْلَ لِبَاساً)
That is, God made this night on the ground as a dress, as if the earth wears it and be the robes of it, and this is known only to the person who ascended above the shadow of the earth, and we have seen this from the wonderful verses if you went up in the plane and rose and the sun was absent from the surface of the earth and then the sun turned out to you To rise you find the ground as if you dressed in black. (Precious interpretation of Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen 10/406)
6 and the Almighty(وَجَعَلْنَا النَّهَارَ مَعَاشاً ))
That is, we have made it bright and shining so that people can dispose of it, go and come to the pension, earn, trade and so on. (Interpretation of Ibn Katheer 4/463)
7 and the Almighty(وَبَنَيْنَا فَوْقَكُمْ سَبْعاً شِدَاداً)
They are the seven heavens, described by God Almighty because they are strong. (Precious interpretation of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Othaimeen 10/406)
8 and the Almighty(وَجَعَلْنَا سِرَاجاً وَهَّاجاً)
That means the sun is a luminous lamp, it is also a great heat. And its heat in the days of summer heat with the overwhelming distance from the earth, what do you think of it, then it is in the days of heat in the heat of the heat of the hell of hell,
* As the Prophet (PBUH) said:
“If the heat intensifies, then they are cooled by prayer, the intensity of the heat is from the inferno of hell” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, Book of Prayer Times, The Door of Cooling at Back in Extreme Heat (536).
* PBUH said:
“The fire complained to God and she said,“ Lord, eat one another, and let her have two souls, a breath in the winter, and a breath in the summer. Creation, the door of the adjective of fire and it is created (3620).
* However, it is a great interest of creation
A) It saves the creation of great money in the time of day where people dispense with them to turn on the lights
B) The energy from which they are extracted has many benefits.
C) As well as the ripening of fruits and this many of the many benefits of this lamp that Allah Almighty has made for His servants. (Precious interpretation of Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen 10/407)
9 and the Almighty
(وَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ الْمُعْصِرَاتِ مَآءً ثَجَّاجاً * لِّنُخْرِجَ بِهِ حَبّاً وَنَبَاتاً)
- And the Almighty
(وَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ الْمُعْصِرَاتِ )
Means from the clouds, and described by God as the presses as if squeezing this rain when it comes down in the afternoon, as squeezing the dress, this water permeates this cloud and out of it as the water comes out of the pressed,
- And the Almighty{ماء ثجَّاجاً}
Any lot of snow means pouring down the flow and that Ghazarth and strength even tells the earth.
- And the Almighty{لنخرج به}
That is, let us go out with this water that came down from heaven to earth.
- And the Almighty{حبًّا ونباتاً}
The land sprouted and God comes out of love with all its varieties and types of land, barley, corn and others. And the plant of fruits like two grapes and the like. (Precious interpretation of Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen 10/407)
10 and the Almighty(وَجَنَّاتٍ أَلْفَافًا)
Any orchards wrapped together to each other, from abundance, good and splendor so that they cover up for their abundance, and wrap each other, which trees have a stalk, so out of this water Alchgaj planted, palms, grapes and others whether it came out directly or out of it by extracting water from the soles Earth. (Precious interpretation of Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen 10/407)
May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions
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