السبت، 28 يونيو 2014

the issue of accelerating breakfast.

Q / when prescribed accelerate breakfast?

1) If you check the sunset agreement to talk: (if the night comes from here is gone and the day is here and the sun set was fasting breaks the fast) (Narrated by Bukhari (195)
 and Muslim fasting (1100)

2) or thinks it most likely sunset it accelerates mushrooms.

Modern girl names Abu Bakr: (Avtrna on cloudier at the time of the Prophet peace be upon him, and the sun rises)

The evidence:

If they realized sunset Matalaat the sun, but they are most likely to have worked. (Explaining the Book of Fasting from achieving Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen).

Q / when deprived accelerate breakfast?

1 / denied if not aware of the sunset.

2 / denied if in doubt Gharwob.

3 / If you have not outweigh the sunset. (Explaining the Book of Fasting from achieving Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen)



Q / Malemrad good impact on accelerating the breakfast contained in this talk (people still okay Majloa mushrooms) Agreed?

Good religious and secular not be good is a good religious Maiaud Balanscherah on the heart and the light. (Explaining the Book of Fasting from achieving Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen)

Q / work day hours when the timing of the breakfast time of the predominance of conjecture or uncertainty?

Time is no doubt that it weighted, and the certainty that it is not correct. (Explaining the Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Mohammed Uthaymeen.)

Q / tighter if there is no Maevtr it from water and pass ...?

Intended mushrooms in his heart. (Explained in the book of fasting from achieving Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen)

Q / What to break the fast?

Better for the fasting person to Aaftraly pass did not find For water.

Talk to Suleiman Bin Amer, may Allah be pleased with him. (If any of you breaks the fast break his fast with the pass did not find the break his fast with water) (Narrated by five horses and son Khuzaymah and Ibn ruling.)



Q / Which is better dates or wet?

If dates century Balrdob Virad pass dry dates, and if launched dates include wet and dry dates.

The Prophet peace be upon him break his fast on a wet van did not find On the pass did not find the three For Hassoat of water. (Explaining the Book of Fasting from achieving Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen)

If you had water and bread on whichever break?

Break the water's followers for the year.

If you had water and candy whichever break?


1 / Some of them said: candy, because the Prophet peace be upon him said dates and candy share in sweetness.

2 / Some of them said: water, because the Prophet peace be upon him ills in the water and is said purification.

Usefulness of the body of water Hotther fasting if it breaks the fast

* Swinging when Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen.

Provides water to candy. (Explained in the book of fasting from achieving Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen)

May Allah bless him and our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

الجمعة، 27 يونيو 2014


the issue of sighting of the moon.

Q / Magm if proven sighting of the moon in the place you need to be fasting all people from all over the world?

Scientists disagreed:

The correct view in the matter:

Fasting should not only from Rah does not need to be the country who did not see the crescent does not obligate them to fast, even if the other country Raa Crescent and fasted (explaining the Book of Fasting from achieving Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen)

Shaykh al-Islam, God's mercy.

Insiders agree Crescent by agreement the people of knowledge in astronomy, the agreed fasting necessary, otherwise it is not.

1) says:
:( فمن شهد منكم الشهر فليصمه )البقرة:185 

And those who do not approve of the saw in the moon sighting is not said that they saw.

2) saying peace be upon him: (Fast when you see it, and stop fasting when you see it) (Narrated by Bukhari (1909) and Muslim (1081))

Fll it in fasting, vision, and he saw in contravention of moon sighting is not said that he saw no fact or judgment.

3) that the timing differs when Muslims daily text and consensus, if dawn breaks in the east, it is not necessary that the people of Morocco caught.

فكلوا وأشربوا حتى يتبين لكم الخيط الأبيض من الخيط الأسود )البقرة:187

Had the sun went down in the East, it is not for the people of Morocco mushrooms. As it varies Muslims in daily breakfast and constipation, it should also disagree in constipation & B Avg. (Explanation fun on increased quagmire of Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen 6/322)

4) It was narrated crepe that or credited girl tiller mission to Muawiya Baham said: (introduced Sham I spent the need for, and begin the Ramadan and I Baham saw Crescent on Friday night, then made the city in the last month, he asked me Abdullah bin Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, and then said Crescent

He said: When you see a crescent?

I said, we saw Friday night.

He said: You saw him?

I said yes, and he saw people fasted and fasted rolling.

He said: But we saw Saturday night we continue to fast until we complete thirty or see

I said, or do not stop to see the rolling and fast?

He said: Do not. Thus ordered the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him. (Narrated by Muslim fasting / Door statement that each country has their vision (1087)

* According to Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen God's mercy:

And I have a right Machtarh Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in this matter. (Explained in the book of fasting from achieving Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen).

Q / came in an interview with the son of Omar may Allah be pleased with him said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: he says (if you saw Vsoumoua, and if you saw .... break the fast) agreed.

Is Malemrad vision before sunset or after sunset?

Vision be seen after sunset if it has been proven.

Q / saying (if you saw) includes if you seen it with the naked eye or by machining?

Is in either the naked eye or binoculars to see it prove. (Explaining the Book of Fasting from achieving Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen)

Q / Is Murad as saying peace be upon him. (If you have seen) Do you want to see it every one or not?

Murad is not the Prophet peace be upon him (if you have seen) Each one must be seen.

But to be: a vision that proves by entering a legally see two men and more

To talk: (if witnessed by two witnesses and stop fasting when Vsamua) (explaining the Book of Fasting from achieving Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen)

Q / Do you prove sighting of the crescent of Ramadan testimony of one man? And Maldleil?

Yes prove sighting of the crescent of Ramadan testimony of one man.

Guide: Ibn 'Umar said: (I told the Prophet peace be upon him his vision schizophrenia and ordered the people to fast) (Reported by Abu Dawood (2342) and the ruling 1/423 and corrected ruling on the conditions of Muslim Ibn Hazm said 6/353 this talk is true)

Q / Do you prove sighting of the crescent of Shawwal testimony of one man?

Not that Shawwal moon does not prove legally only Bashahidin. (Explanation fun on increased quagmire of Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen 6/329)

Q / What is required of a man who accepts his testimony?

1 to be a Muslim to be just 3

2 to be confident. 4 to be honest

5 to have a strong vision. (Explanation fun on increased quagmire of Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen 6/323 explain Book of Fasting from achieving Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen)

Q / Is it essential in a man at the sighting of the moon to say the word certificate or only the news?

Does not require the certificate to say the word, but enough news. (Explaining the Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Mohammed Uthaymeen.)

Q / Do you accept the testimony of a woman in the sighting of the moon?

The Shawwal moon not accepted because it has to be of the two men.

The new moon of Ramadan

* Said: accept and this is the famous doctrine.

* It was: do not accept. (Explaining the Book of Fasting from achieving Sheikh Mohammed Uthaymeen.)

May Allah bless him and our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

the issue of the necessity of fasting.

Q / When should I fast?

Must be one of two things:

1) sighting of the moon.

* Says:
:( فمن شهد منكم الشهر فليصمه )البقرة:185

* Says:
 :(إذا رايتموه فصوموا )( أخرجه البخاري (1900

Q / Do I have to fast under the account why?

Should not be fasting Bmottagdy account if scientists decided to account for homes that moon night of Ramadan, but they did not see the crescent, it is not because Issam al-Shara commented this provision, a vision of something significant. (Explanation fun on increased Mustaqni Shaykh Muhammad Uthaymeen 6/314)

2) the completion of Shaaban thirty days.

Because the lunar month can not be more than thirty days, and can not be less than twenty-nine days. (Explanation fun on increased Mustaqni Shaykh Muhammad Uthaymeen 6/314)

Day of doubt:

Q / What is doubt?

Day of doubt:

    Is the day that does not know whether it is from August or September of a thirty day of Shaban. (Explaining the Book of Fasting from the book to be desired by Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen God's mercy)

Q / When is the Day of thirty-ups?

Scientists disagreed:

I say:

If the sky is clear. To be free of the clouds We do not know Crescent have complained days for the possibility that you did not see.

The second opinion:

They said if the case without seeing the crescent Hail Kshb or high mountains.

Closest: The second view.

Because I say: The probability that you have not seen it this otherwise original, because the original did not look as long as we see Judgements legitimacy phenomena taking place on the days he is not legitimately complained. (Explanation fun on increased Mustaqni Shaykh Muhammad Uthaymeen 6/316317318)

Q / tighter fasting the day of the doubt?

Scientists disagreed on several statements.

The first view is the duty and Juba Znaa up.

The second view is desirable and not a duty.

The third view: disliked and not forbidden.

Say IV: permissible.

Say V: Muharram. (Explained in the book of fasting from achieving Sheikh Mohammed Uthaymeen God's mercy)

More correct to say:

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih:

Prohibition of fasting on the day of doubt if the sky is clear., Which is not the correct view.

If the sky is clear. This is not a day Vsom doubt hated that day. (Narrated by Bukhari (1906) and Muslim (1080))

The prohibition quoted who said:

1 / words of the Prophet peace be upon him: (Do not anticipate Ramadan by fasting one or two days, but if a man habitually fasts) (Narrated by Bukhari (1907) and also in the (1909)

Although not fast. Schizophrenia this day, in which doubt has offered Ramadan day.

2 / and the words of the Prophet peace be upon him: (month, twenty-nine night, do not fast until you see it, the cloudy then complete thirty days) (Explanation fun on increased Mustaqni Shaykh Muhammad Uthaymeen 6/317)

The words (completed thirty days) is, and the origin of it is obligatory if Shaaban must complete thirty days of fasting campus. (Explanation fun on increased Mustaqni Shaykh Muhammad Uthaymeen 6/318)

Q / Magm as proven when the Imam should be fasting on the day of doubt and ordered people fasting?
It does not Anabz, gets not Manabzth not appear human breaks, but secretly break.

May Allah bless him and our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

(Fasting preferred)

Q / Mavdil fast?

Preferred month of Ramadan, the following:

1 / open the gates of paradise for the large number of good deeds and carrots for employees, and closing fire doors for a few sins of the people of faith, and the devils are chained Vngl not be saved to Mikhalson him in the other.

Abu Huraira that the Prophet peace be upon him said: (If the Ramadan opened the gates of heaven, and the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained) (in the correct

2 / reason for the remission of sins and evil deeds atone.

In the correct Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet peace be upon him said: (Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and hope of reward will be forgiven his sins foregoing)

Believing in God and the satisfaction hypothesis fasting it.

In Saheeh Muslim Abu Huraira that the Prophet peace be upon him: (God said: Every deed of the son of Adam him except fasting, it's me and I shall reward for it, and fasting Commission If the day fasting him not Arfet not Ackb the Sabh one or murderer, let him say I fasting, and whose Hand is the breath of the fasting person is better with Allah than the fragrance of musk, for the fasting person Farahtan Iverhama: If he breaks the fast Pftrh joy, and the joy of the Lord met if fasting)

In the novel, to Muslim:

(Son of Adam, every action has a compounding good ten-fold to seven hundred times, God said, but fasting it to me and I shall reward for it beyond his desire and his food for me)

This talk shows the preferred fasting in many ways:

1) that specialize God himself fasting among other actions, to honor him, and love him, and the emergence of his loyalty to the Almighty that the secret between a person and his Lord for Aatalaa him but Allah.

Also singled out fasting for himself among the rest of his work and said this (beyond his desire and his food for me)

And show the usefulness of this jurisdiction the Day of Resurrection.

Said Sufian bin appointment God's mercy.

If doomsday held accountable servant of God and leads Maalih of grievances from the rest of his work, even if there was only fasting bear upon him Mabaki of grievances and enter paradise fasting

2) that God said in the fast (and I shall reward for it) adding the penalty box to the same stones.

Because good deeds doubles reward number, good ten-fold to seven hundred times to many fold, while fasting, God said to him the same penalty is considered number.

Vicu fast pay much without great expense.

fasting and patience to obey God, and the patience of all the tissues of God, and God's patience on the fortunes of the painful hunger, thirst, weakness of the body and the soul, which has met the three types of patience and verify that the fasting of the patient.

The Almighty God said:
:(إنما يوفى الصابرون أجرهم بغير حساب)سورة الزمر:10

  3) that fasting Committee: any protection and bulletproof

Pious fasting from idle and obscene, so he said: (If any of you on the fast Arfet not, so he said: (If any of you do not fast on Arfet not Ackb)

And shield them from the fire, modern Jaber that the Prophet peace be upon him: (fasting Commission Istjn by slave of Fire) (Imam Ahmad Hassan attribution)

4) that the breath of the fasting person is better with Allah than the fragrance of musk to it from the effects of fasting, when Thebes was God because it is about the emergence of obedience to God.

Q / tighter Estak that in the last day?

Permissible, Some of the scholars he hates fasting person to Estak end of the day, while if it is found Wind Alkhlov) but, no indication of where this devise is weak, because the extensive evidence indicates that it is mustahabb use the miswaak all the time. (Explaining the Book of Fasting from Sahih Muslim Sheikh Mohammed Uthaymeen)

Q / Some of the scholars that God is described smell (because the best of God than the fragrance of musk)?

This is not explicitly so may not be asserted by the lack of candor Kadikon recognize the smell of God through science not by smell, and as long as there were no explicit human beings, the better for constipation.

Suffice companions, God bless them that they did not look at this issue. (Explained in the book of Sahih Muslim fasting Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen.)

3) that the fasting Farahtin: 1 / joy when he breaks his fast 2 / and joy when he meets his Lord.

1 / The joy when he breaks his fast: rejoice as it is blessed to do the worship of fasting and rejoice in what God has permitted him to eat and drink and the marriage, which was forbidden by the case of fasting.

2 / The joy when he meets his Lord: rejoice while fasting finds his punishment when God providing full time is a dire need Maicon when it is said) Where Alsaimon to enter the door of paradise Rayyan, who does not enter one else)

4) of the virtues of fasting that he intercede on her doomsday.

Abdullah ibn Umar that the Prophet peace be upon him said: (fasting and the Koran Ishvaan of the Day of Resurrection, says fasting: any employer denied him food and lust Vhvni it, and the Koran says prevented him sleep at night Vhvni it, said Vicfan) (Narrated by Ahmad and Attabarani The ruling said true to the conditions of Muslim) from the book of the month of Ramadan boards of Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen God's mercy.

Q / scientists disagree in saying (it's me) Do you mean that God Athiebh according to his generosity and his presence as in the verse: (but carried Alsaberon their reward without account)?

This is not so far because the patience of fasting on three types

1) patience to obey God

2) patience for disobedience to God

3) the patience of the Fates


1) Val_husna estimated ten-fold to seven hundred times to fold the fasting does not have an end.

2) all the work for him except fasting Adam it to me and the work of the son of Adam truncates them to the oppressed means taking them to the oppressed from the oppressor.

This came to talk (of the bankrupt? Said bankrupt us from .....)

Deeds is located where the clearing except fasting does not detract anything from him even in the right of the oppressed is not taken from them the reward of fasting.

3) (all the work his son Adam) any son of Adam, all the work could want him luck for the minimum priggishism except fasting which is not hypocrisy.

Fasting is a constipation and Hokhva secret between man and between Rabbo For example, if you have a group meet someone who is fasting and did not eat all of your food do not know them from fasting?!) (Explaining the Book of Fasting from Sahih Muslim Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen God's mercy.)

Q / What is the door that those who fast to enter paradise?

Bab Al Rayyan and this points to the virtue of fasting that God Almighty make him a special section in paradise.

The doors of paradise every door claiming it was more work than it

It was more his prayer claims from the door of prayer.

It was more work than the door of fasting called Rayyan.

It was more to do Jihad called from the door of jihad.

This does not mean they do not work good deeds only fast but more Ttoathm worship and fasting, and this is evidence of preferred propagation of fasting.

It is God's mercy for the slaves, the best day of fasting day to you and your Lord (Book of Fasting explanation of Sahih Muslim Sheikh Muhammad Othaimeen God's mercy.)

Q / Maspb named Rayan door that name?

This derives his name to match the work that often requires fasting thirst became the Door Rayyan any:

Many irrigation door or door that tells a lot. (Explained in the book of Sahih Muslim fasting Shaykh Muhammad Uthaymeen God's mercy.)

May Allah bless him and our Prophet Muhammad and his family
and companions