الأحد، 4 مايو 2014

((Unification of Godhead))

Unify the Godhead

And Hoafrad God Almighty in three things: in

creationThe King and the Altdberdlal: verse

{ أَلَا لَهُ الْخَلْقُ وَالْأَمْرُ ۗ}الأعراف:54

The evidence of the verse: he gave them the news of

his right to delay

The rule rhetorical: to deliver a devastating delay

benefit exclusively

Then think about the opening of this verse: not

function on the alarm and the emphasis

{{ أَلَا لَهُ الْخَلْقُ وَالْأَمْرُ ۗ}الأعراف:54

No other Valkhalq that is, which is a measure


The King: Such verse

(لِلَّهِ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ )الشورى :49 

This shows the lead at the Almighty King

The evidence as stated above: to provide

annihilating delay

The Lord Almighty solo:

 Creation .. and .. King.. and.. measure

 If you say: How do you combine Magherrt
and the proof is the creation of God
Such as the verse
(( فَتَبارَكَ اللهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخالِقِينَ ) المؤمنون:14
And like saying peace be upon him in
(It is said to them: 'Bring Makhlguetm ")
Like the verse in the hadith Qudsi
How can you say that combines God's creation and
a solo between these texts?

Answer: It is said, that creation is a preexisting
  The conversion of an image thing to another, it is not
creating a complete Although created as a named
configuration, but in fact isnot the creation of a
completeBecause creation is preexisting


God also said that a single king, but how to collect
Between say this and prove the King of the creature?
Such as the verse

The answer: to combine them in two ways First, that
the rights of the king of something is not a
comprehensive overview I own because I do not own
a hands subcutaneous subcutaneous hand,
Everyone belongs to God Almighty, it is
where the King of God the most comprehensive
coverage andwider and Hoof Tam

Secondly, that the royal for this thing does not belong
where I act as a real I want, but I act as a command-Shara,
and also authorized Owner It is true God

Measure : Measure of the man, but say: This measure is a minor
Kalugean Ex-king not measure everything I own it, but
I own measure McCann under my possession and a royal, and also
I do not have However, according to masterminding al-Shara, who
has permitted me this measure

And then it appears that we say: God Almighty solo
Moral character, and the king, and the measure
Public college that does not exclude them absolutely nothing
because all
What we will quote Mathbt not opposed to God Almighty that

Unify the Godhead I told them that the apostles of

peace prayers did not comeTo achieve it because it
does not deny

Adapted from the book Sharh Shaykh Muhammad Uthaymeen God's mercy
May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions


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