الاثنين، 24 أغسطس 2015

Lessons in faith

 Lesson IX (establishment of Hajj and Jihad with princes were righteous or ungodly) 0

 Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions

 * Establishment of Hajj and Islamic Jihad and to combine holidays with princes were righteous or Fajar 0

 The people of God have mercy on the year: in conflict with the people of innovation completely Ferrand pilgrimage stay with Prince albeit from Avsag worshipers of God 0

 People were previously making the pilgrimage prince, also make the Prophet peace be upon him the Emir of Abu Bakr in the pilgrimage in the ninth year of immigration 0 They see the establishment of the pilgrimage with the princes if they Vsaca, even if they drink alcohol in the Hajj

Because of the Sunnis: -

They see that obedience to the ruler due albeit evildoer condition that does not alter immoral to outright disbelief that we have the righteousness of God, it does not obey him. (Explain the doctrine of moderation of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Othaimeen p. 659)

In an interview with bin silent worship he said, pledged allegiance to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him listen and obey in hardship and ease and activated impeller, and that his family do not dispute it


"Do not you see outright disbelief that you have proof of God in him." (Bukhari / book sedition, and Muslim / book border)

 Because the Sunnis and the community have looked after because the irregularities in these things evil things to Allah and His Messenger and drag to seduce A great



The companions, God bless them arrive Friday behind imams nor re-Fajar prayer 0

Such as / * Abdullah bin Omar, may Allah be pleased with him was praying behind Hajjaj bin Yusuf 0

 The Anas bin Malik and Abdullah bin Masood pray behind Alwaleed bin obstacle ibn Abi 0

 And he drank wine (book Sunni alerts explain the doctrine of moderation p 332

The Kharijites: -

             They see there is no obedience to the Imam and Prince if the sinner because of their base: the large graduated from the sect.

God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

الأحد، 23 أغسطس 2015

* Dignities of the Patriarchs (continued)

 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions

 Dignities sections.

It is divided into two sections:

   1) section on science and Almkashifat 2)                    section on the ability and effects

 (1) section on science and Almkashifat.

* Science

 - That gets the man of science is not what happens to other 0

  Example: What about Abu Bakr said:

   That God briefed him on what in the belly of his wife - pregnancy, God told him that he is female. (Injury excellence companions 4/261 40)

· Almkashifat.

 That shows him things that reveal to him about what does not happen to others. (Explain the doctrine of Mohammed al-Waasitiyyah'Uthaymeen p. 631)

 Almkashifat example: -

 What happened to the faithful Omar bin al-Khattab, where he was addressing the people on the podium on Friday, Vsamaoh says: Hey valid; the mountain were amazed of this talk, then I asked him about it?

He said: it revealed to him for the son of a bastard shall force - one of his commanders in Iraq, and he is restricted from enemy 0

 Fujha to the mountain and said to him: O mast mountain, he heard the voice of Omar in force, and to the side of the mountain and barricaded it. (The beginning and the end (7/131)


· 2) the ability and influences: -

 A) the ability may be in

  (1) cosmic matters (2)                 things legitimacy

 1) in the example of the ability of cosmic things:

          That God appreciated for what did not appreciate it if the other did not hear what he hears

 Like / What happened to the mast he heard the words of Omar ibn al-Khattab 0

 And also: to sleep a long sleep of the cave as subjects 0

 And also: to enter into the fire was not influenced by the fire and did not eat 0

What is meant is -

      This capability due to the cosmology honors God as the slave of what is happening to him in the kingdom of God

2) an example of the ability in legal matters: -

      Which is has the ability receives its science and religion unless received by other hand, understanding and conservation of this honor. (Explain Tahhaawiyyah faith Saleh Al-Sheikh)

 2) in effect: -

           1 -  in Alkonyan 2 -               in legitimacies

 (1) an example of the effect in the universe

                So that affects the place where he is, or at the vision people not to see him

       Such as: What happened to the good visual where it entered some of the conditions of his request did not see him, they came and they marched around the place he was sitting in and never saw this effect in the capacity of others

(2) an example of influence in legitimacies

           Ie that affects as is required by the Sharia 0

     Such as: a person having his acceptance speech is more than people in Atadh scholars 0

 If preaching affects people bring them in, and it is forbidden and it affects the heart and obey 0000

 This is what usually went out for people, because the people of their habits and obey may not obey. (Explain Tahhaawiyyah faith Saleh Al-Sheikh)


Dignity at the hands of creator:

       Q / Do dignity by being an innovator in the prodigal religion for himself?

       Yes, find dignity at the hands of an innovator in religion, Huan be the creator struggling infidel enemy 0 Viattiyh God dignity is not for its own sake, and not the adoption of including him of heresy, but what labors upon which Islam reported infidelity and polytheism. (Explain faith Tahhaawiyyah of Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)

 (2) to be in the giving of dignity because he needs it to be the cause of his faith and integrity are seen at 0 at the same that it was the people of faith and piety Faihmd God by Vilazem integrity and what God guided him 0

Although it is the people of innovation or sin or unjust to himself teaches in a sign that haunted him Sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him and faith and piety to have a human in the world and the Hereafter. (Explain Tahhaawiyyah doctrine of Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)



The difference between the dignities of the Patriarchs and the magic and the paranormal charlatans.

  There are differences, including:

            1an dignities of the Patriarchs caused by piety and good deeds

 And the work of charlatans caused by infidelity and immorality and debauchery.

2-dignities of the Patriarchs that they deploy in righteousness and piety and the permissible things

 And the work of charlatans deploy on taboo matters of the trap and kill the soul.

 3-dignities of the Patriarchs that piety remembrance of Allah and unification

 Paranormal charlatans invalidate or weaken at the mention of God and reading the Koran.


· Split people on the subject of miracles into three sections:

1. Department expensive in denial;

They even denied what is fixed in the Quran and Sunnah of the correct dignities that are going on according to the right of the friends of Allah.

2. Department expensive in substantiated:

They even believed that magic and sorcery and charlatanism of dignities even emerged from that major shirk the worship of graves and the sanctification of people and hyperbole including what they claim their dignities and myths.

3 are the Sunnis and the community;

 Brokered the subject of dignities between excessiveness stand firm which is proven by the Quran and Sunnah did not Aglua in their friends did not Atalqo them without God and denied what violates the Quran and Sunnah of voodoo (Guidance to the true belief of Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan r / 194-195)

Blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

الخميس، 6 أغسطس 2015

Lessons in faith

 Lesson VIII (dignities of the Patriarchs)

 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and companions

 Bakramat ratification of the Patriarchs.

 · Guardians.

 Dignities of the Patriarchs is an important issue and introduced in the belief it is a matter of preference with the prophecy and their relevance to the state 0

 Fa people preferred the prophets, the Prophet Muhammad peace and the best of all the prophets,

 And the Sunnis do not prefer the prophets, saints

Q / Who are the guardians?

     Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said:

    (Who was a devout believer, he was God and Leah)

   God has them in the verse:
(أَلَا إِنَّ أَوْلِيَاءَ اللَّهِ لَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ * الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَكَانُوا يَتَّقُونَ)يونس(62ـ 63) )



* Saints on two parts: -

(1) Mguetsdon.

        Who become close to God doing obligatory acts of hearts and birds of prey

(2) Ex.

        Who become close to God after the obligatory religious duties. (Book Sunni alerts explain moderation Creed)

* Agree to the imams of Islam: -

         That man if he flew into the air or walked on the water has not been established with a mandate to Islam but not even seen standing when the command and forbidding that God sent His Messenger of Allah is the believer Foley met. (Book Sunni alerts explain the doctrine of moderation)

* Reason named crown?

     Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan said may God protect him: -

      (Named after the crown etymology of loyalty, a love of God and the proximity Foley: to and from the consent of God in Mahbubath and draw closer to him Bmarzath)


· Believe the people of innovation in the state.

Believe that the guardian of the Prophet rank and rank of the greatest Prophet, whom

Esoteric - Ismailia - the people of rejection of Shiism and Sufism Glaoh

And have the belief of the so-called (state seal) means that they have:

The prophets of the (Prophet ring him) as well as the saints (his ring Crown)

· Doctrine (state seal) is based on three things.

(1) that the Prophet came the law of the phenomenon, and the guardian ring came the legitimacy of the Patriarchs inwardly.

(2) that the guardians of the best ring seal of the prophets. Because the prophets ring takes about God and the ring by the Patriarchs takes about God directly 0

(3) The guardian of the Prophet and their teams on the one hand, that the Prophet came to him the choice of God and the Seal of the guardian saints Vfad the revelation revelation because it is prepared to liquidate it inwardly. (Explain Tahhaawiyyah of Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh) doctrine.

. These doctrine contrary to the doctrine of the Sunnis and the group 0

 doctrine of the Sunnis and the group believe in what came from the book of Allah and the Sunnah Bakramat including the Patriarchs and deny the people of innovation and Mu'tazilite Jahamiyyah

· On dignity.

      Commander wondrous 0 God conducted by the hand of his support of the Crown, or subsidy, or confirmation Ao victory for religion. (Tahhaawiyyah explain the doctrine of Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh)


* Demonstrate dignity in the Koran.

- The story of the Cave

- The story of Mary, peace be upon him

- The story of the man of God fatality and sent a hundred years.

* in the year.

Like the descent of the angels as a canopy where the likes of the saddle to listen reading acid Ben seedlings may Allah be pleased with him 0

- The story of Abu Salem ALKHAWLANY to Black Ansi: recite the tashahhud said to him, I am the Messenger of Allah said: What I hear said: that Muhammad is the Messenger said: Yes 0 ordered fire Vooukdt him he gave them when they came to him found him to pray where has become the coolness and peace. (Explain faith Waasitiyyah Sheikh Muhammad al-'Uthaymeen p 626

Seeking more book: Criterion between parents and guardians Rahman devil to Ibn Taymiyya, and Sahih Bukhari: Book of Prophets 2)



Q / guardians who did not show them dignity Is shows their lack?

       Not an indication of their lack, and who signed them dignity does not imply that they are better than the others.

paranormal three sections.

1) extraordinary happened at the hands of the Messenger and called verse or proof of a miracle because it usually violates the jinn and mankind at that time 0

 2) extraordinary at the hands of the Crown called dignity 0 and this extraordinary limited for the prophet supernatural is special honors including its

3) extraordinary happened at the hands of Assi or if the creator is called demonic paranormal demons they might be limited and may be imaginative form the by Gin in Wannsee and in animal

     Paranormal Devils are not miracles but is the ability God gave Satan because God deludes its people. (Explain Tahhaawiyyah of Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh Creed)


God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions